github dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light 5.26.0

latest releases: 5.32.0, 5.31.2, 5.31.1...
2 years ago


  • Denormalize issuer table #3207
  • Notify HL7 Receivers and/or update MWL status to STARTED on receive of MPPS with IN PROGRESS status #3483
  • Log of retries on failures on DB update on calculating query attributes shall not include stack trace #3560
  • Log failures on deletion of MWL Items by MWL Scheduler and run deletion of individual MWL Item in an own transaction #3561
  • Improve logging of TaskScheduler #3564
  • Include (0038,0016) Route Of Admissions in Study Attributes filter by default configuration #3566
  • Map HL7 v2 PV1:2 Patient Class to DICOM (0038,0016) Route of Admissions by XSLT stylesheets of default configuration #3568
  • Forward HTTP requests dependent on hostname and/or IP address of the client that sent the request #3569
  • UI Navigation Series: Filter by Requested Procedure ID and Scheduled Procedure Step ID #3570
  • Copy (0038,0014) Issuer of Admission ID Sequence from MWL to Study attributes by MWL Attribute Coercion referring mwl2study XSLT stylesheet #3571
  • archive docker image: configurable host DNS lookup of peer address by Wildfly Undertow servlet container #3572
  • Update DB SQL scripts for 5.26.0 for databases other than postgres #3573
  • UI Navigation - UPS : Support multiple codes entry on UPS creation / update #3577
  • UI Navigation Copy or Move entities / Link Instances to MWL : Extend error information displayed to user showing error message returned by service #3581
  • Support mapping of PID.11 in HL7 messages to Patient Address (0010,1040) DICOM attribute #3582
  • Extend task logging to include local and remote AETs of storage commitments task processing #3584
  • StgCmt SCP: Do not apply configured Masquerade Calling AE Title #3592
  • Send Route of Admissions (0038,0016) in outgoing HL7 Procedure Status Update message #3594
  • Send Admission ID and Issuer of Admission ID Sequence in outgoing procedure status update message #3596
  • Persist Sending/Receiving HL7 Application/Facility of objects received by HL7 ORU messages #3599
  • C-FIND SCP: Support wildcard matching for Sending/Receiving HL7 Application/Facility of Series #3600
  • QIDO-RS: Support wildcard matching for Sending/Receiving HL7 Application/Facility of Series #3601
  • UI Navigation > Studies/Series: Filter by Sending/Receiving HL7 Application/Facility of Series #3602
  • STOW-RS: Support upload of Genozip compressed genomic file as Bulkdata and store it as object of private SOP Class #3604
  • C-FIND SCP: Support wildcard matching for Sending/Receiving HL7 Application/Facility of Series #3600
  • QIDO-RS: Support wildcard matching for Sending/Receiving HL7 Application/Facility of Series #3601
  • UI Navigation > Studies/Series: Filter by Sending/Receiving HL7 Application/Facility of Series #3602
  • STOW-RS: Support upload of Genozip compressed genomic file as Bulkdata and store it as object of private SOP Class #3604
  • WADO-RS: Support download of Genozip compressed genomic file as Bulkdata stored in object of private SOP Class #3605
  • Accept SOP Class Private Dcm4che Encapsulated Genozip Storage by default configuration #3606
  • WADO-URI: Support download of Genozip compressed genomic file as Bulkdata stored in object of private SOP Class #3607
  • QIDO-RS: Include Available Transfer Syntax UID (0008,3002) in Instance Resources Search Response Payload by default #3609
  • Add PerformedProcedureStepEndDate and PerformedProcedureStepEndTime in Series attribute filter default configuration #3613
  • Support Institution Name mapping in incoming HL7 ORU messages conversion to DICOM SRs / PDFs #3616
  • HL7 messages processing : Reject messages with missing Sending / Receiving Application and / or Facility #3618

Bug Fixes

  • WADO-RS mismatch between media type and transfer syntax UID #3443
  • UPS C-FIND and UPS-RS Search operations only consider first item of Scheduled Station (Name/Class/Geographic Location) Code Sequence for matching #3567
  • On using webapp / AE specific to IOCM Q/R views rejected studies count differs with displayed rejected studies #3574
  • Link instances to MWL may fail with #3579
  • UI Navigation : Link instances to MWL / Copy or move entities shows incorrect message even when whole process failed for all instances #3580
  • create-firebird.sql broken #3589
  • UI: Work items: 'Creating new UPS Workitems' doesn't work in a secured version of the UI #3590
  • IOException occurring on moving an audit spool file with .failed suffix is not logged, instead original exception is logged #3591
  • Fix erroneous (historical) db scripts for db2 and firebird #3593
  • HL7 Procedure Status Update PID PV1 config is ineffective if outgoing procedure status update message is OMG^O19 #3595
  • UI Permission: You can not configure to show a tab without showing the first tab in the row too #3597
  • UI: Attribute block sometimes is not rendered completely #3603
  • WADO-RS: Retrieve of DICOM Video objects fails with 500 Internal Server Error #3608
  • UI Configuration - AE list : Searching by AE title filter does not work #3610
  • HL7 order messages processing : Rectify Patient's Weight and Patient's Size validation conditions #3614
  • STAT-RS Count/Sizeof Studies/Series ignores "Show Instances Rejected By Code(s)" if "Hide Not Rejected Instances" = true #3615


  • ldap docker image: upgrade alpine to 3.15.1 #3621
  • Upgrade Postgres DB docker image to 14.2 #3623


  • Building of dcm4chee-arc-cs at fails #3440
  • Erroneous Restructured Text files in DICOM Conformance Statement Source concerning security/audit #3562
  • Erroneous Restructured Text files in HL7 Conformance Statement Source concerning security/audit a.o. #3563
  • Add missing archive network AE extension details in AE titles of archive wiki #3575
  • Update HL7 Conformance Statement : Fix discrepancies concerning Issuer of Admission ID Sequence attributes' usage in Procedure Management Service - Inbound #3598

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