github dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light 5.23.1

latest releases: 5.32.0, 5.31.2, 5.31.1...
3 years ago

Passwords of default users changed (only affects new installations, not updates) (s.o #3012):

User from to
admin admin changeit
user user changeit
wildfly-admin - changeit
keycloak-admin - changeit


  • UI: Use /token2/{webAppName} instead /token/{keycloakServerID} to get token from Keycloak #1934
  • Purge legacy RESTful service /token/{KeycloakServerID} and KeycloakServer configuration #1935
  • UI Navigation : Enable searching for UPS Template Workitems #2782
  • Improve exception handling on observers #2787
  • UI: Navigation -> Patients: Supplement Issuer of Patient ID on matching Patients #2887
  • Support escape sequences in HL7 Text Fields #2897
  • UI Navigation : Send fully qualified patient identifier on invoking Show Studies #2901
  • UI Navigation > Studies: Filter by Receiving Application Entity Title of Series, Sending Presentation Address of Series and Receiving Presentation Address of Series #2911
  • Optionally encode DS, IS, SV or UV values as JSON Number #2922
  • UI: Add the possibility to search the AET-s in the Export dialog and to save the last selected AET. #2923
  • UI Navigation - Studies : Enable retaining objects on filesystem on 'Delete study permanently' #2934
  • Remove redundant RSOperation.MergePatients #2936
  • Attribute Coercion on outgoing C-FIND RQ identifiers #2937
  • Attribute Coercion on incoming C-FIND RSP identifiers #2938
  • LDAP docker image: ENV DICOM_TLS_PORT, HL7_TLS_PORT #2944
  • Avoid ERROR log on start of Keycloak docker container with DB_VENDOR=mysql #2947
  • Keycloak docker image: include MariaDB Connector/J JDBC Driver used with DB_VENDOR=mariadb #2948
  • Configured fileOpenOption for Filesystem storage should also be applied on copying from another Storage System to that Filesystem storage #2954
  • HL7 Order msgs : Support Patient's Weight and Patient's Size field mappings #2965
  • Prefer matching issuer record containing Universal Entity for partially qualified issuer records in DB when incoming object contains fully qualified issuer #2966
  • LDAP docker images: move / to /usr/bin/ #2971
  • Include deviceName of ExportTask in server.log on create/update/schedule #2979
  • Create Patient restful service : Return complete identifier of created patient in response #2981
  • RESTful service to change the Patient associated to a Study #2984
  • Don't order execution of outstanding Storage Verification of Series by series.stgver_time #2988
  • Don't order execution of outstanding Compression of Images by scheduled time series.compress_time #2989
  • Don't order execution of outstanding (re-)creation of Series Metadata by series.metadata_update_time #2990
  • Don't order execution of outstanding purging of Instance records of Series by series.inst_purge_time #2991
  • Don't include stack trace in INFO log for failed DB updates which get retried #2992
  • Provide Patient Record audit on supplementing issuers for patients #2993
  • Validate SPS Start DateTime in incoming HL7 Order messages #2994
  • Accept SOP Class XA Performed Procedure Protocol Storage by default configuration #2998
  • Annotate patient service specific unchecked exceptions as @applicationexception(rollback = true) #3002
  • Add RSOperation.SupplementIssuer to enable forwarding of Supplement Issuer restful service #3003
  • Attribute Coercion by Leading Archive on receive of objects #3004
  • LDAP docker image: provide separate users for keycloak and wildfly administration in default configuration #3012
  • MWL-RS Search for Scheduled Procedure Steps should not return Retrieve URL (0008,1190) #3034
  • QIDO-RS Search for Patients should not return Retrieve URL (0008,1190) #3035
  • Unify retain objects on delete study permanently with re-import study service #3037
  • Quote the returned fields in List Export / Retrieve / Diff / Storage Verification Tasks as CSV #3038
  • Improve return of QIDO-RS results as CSV using Apache Commons CSV #3039
  • STOW-RS: Supplement Modality: DOC if missing in received Metadata with PDF Bulkdata #3040

Bug Fixes

  • UI : Time displayed in UI differs considerably with archive system's current time #2474
  • Invocation of WADO services returns stale values for ETag and Last-Modified headers if rejected objects are revoked #2930
  • Invocation of WADO services returns stale values for ETag and Last-Modified headers on permanent deletion of rejected instances #2931
  • UI:Device Config: In the Export Rule you can not change the Device Name #2932
  • UI Navigation - Studies - Permanent Delete of rejected instances : 'keep rejection notes' checkbox selection ineffective #2933
  • HTTP method for Change Patient ID and Merge Patients services in RS forwarding reflects incorrect value #2935
  • Concurrently receive of objects may create duplicate issuer records in DB #2949
  • Receive of objects with matching Issuer of Patient ID but with and without Issuer of Patient ID Qualifiers Sequence causes insert of 2 different issuer records #2950
  • HL7 Extended Person Name (XPN) fields transformation ignored if it has only FamilyName component or if FamilyName=GivenName #2952
  • Exporter to copy received objects to an additional Storage Filesystem runs into infinite loop if the source file is empty #2953
  • UI Navigation -> Studies : Schedule storage verification of matching studies sends 'limit' query filter #2978
  • Update of Export Task on receive of further objects of the entity to export does not consider configured Exporter Device Name #2980
  • Incorrect VR values in patient.iod.json for attributes of IssuerOfPatientIDQualifiersSequence #2982
  • UI Navigation : On switching between tabs, some Patient/MWL attributes disappear #2986
  • HL7 procedure update and import report service : Avoid masking of specific HL7 exceptions #2995
  • Supplement Issuer RS service : Patient records with issuers are not excluded from supplement issuer service query, if no PatientID query filter is set #2996
  • Supplement Issuer RS service : Supplemented issuer record remains unattached to patient ID record in DB #2997
  • Delete study audit fails for non empty study #3007
  • UI Permissions config : Remove duplicated 'Action - Studies - Delete Study', rectify UI Action for 'Action - Studies - Reject Instance' #3027
  • Retrieve of Objects stored with Deflated Explicit VR Little Endian without decompressing does not include Data Set #3028
  • Update of Series DB record on Storage Verification fails on MySQL #3032
  • QIDO-RS Search Entities : Entities consisting of patients without patient ID are not returned in results #3033


  • Upgrade Wildfly in archive docker image to 22.0.0.Final #2924
  • LDAP docker image: upgrade alpin to 3.12.3 #2939
  • Upgrade logstash in docker image to 7.10.1 #2946
  • LDAP docker images: upgrade to slapd 2.4.56 and alpin to 3.13.0 #2999


  • HowTo : Import proprietary (client specific) key + certificate into dcm4chee archive as keystore #2722
  • Wiki: How to secure Kibana using OAuth2 Proxy with Keycloak as Auth Provider #2820
  • How to deploy Docker Images to Kubernetes #2945
  • How to configure multiple HL7 receivers for feeding one or multiple MWL SCPs #2970
  • Update Howto: Test IHE SWF using dcm4che tools according IHE SWF.b #2985
  • LDAP docker image: remove obsolete ENVs REALM_NAME and KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID #3010

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