github dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light 5.22.5

latest releases: 5.32.0, 5.31.2, 5.31.1...
3 years ago

Attention : The default keystore and truststore formats in LDAP have been changed from JKS to PKCS12. Hence for successful archive startup, these PKCS12 files need to be copied into $Wildfly_Home/standalaone/configuration/keystores

    > cp $DCM4CHEE_ARC/configuration/keystores/key.p12 $WILDFLY_HOME/standalone/configuration/keystores
    > cp $DCM4CHEE_ARC/configuration/keystores/cacerts.p12 $WILDFLY_HOME/standalone/configuration/keystores


  • UI: Support multiple queues for Retrieve Tasks #1915
  • UI Configuration : Support format "dcmBulkDataDescriptorID" #1928
  • UI Navigation page -> Studies tab : Queued Retrieve from external archive support selecting destination and retrieve queue name #2335
  • UI: Navigation -> Studies : Add 'Storage Verification for selections' #2434
  • UI Navigation -> Studies : Enable to create UPS records for local matching studies using a UPS Template #2710
  • Purge UPSMoveSCU property "cancel-on-no-match" #2730
  • Change format of sample key and truststore from JKS to PKCS12 #2733
  • UI Configuration: Don't restrict values for KeyStore and TrustStoreType to JKS and PKCS12 #2735
  • Extend UI language list configuration to support Italian #2740
  • Avoid update of $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts if $TRUSTSTORE=$JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts by archive and keycloak docker images #2741
  • RESTful service to reschedule UPS #2746
  • Refactor retry of failed UPS processing #2749
  • UI:Storage Systems: Convert threshold to human-readable format #2753
  • Schedule new UPS on failure to process an UPS #2754
  • UI Configuration: Support format "dcmUPSTemplateID" #2755
  • WADO-RS: Support Rendering Query Parameter iccprofile #2756
  • WADO-URI: Support proprietary Query Parameter iccprofile #2759
  • Support more than one nearline/permanent storage being checked before deleting studies from online/cache storage #2760
  • UPSOnStore : Optionally allow no association of patient with created UPS #2762
  • Logstash docker image: make elasticsearch index configurable by ENV #2765
  • UPSOnHL7 : Extend configuration to provide additional fields for Referenced Request Sequence item #2766

Bug Fixes

  • ScheduleExpression does not match values equal to upper bound of specified range values #2731
  • UI:Navigation->Study: Sometimes the export is not triggered and the loading bar dosen't stop. #2732
  • Renaming an application entity causes NullPointerException in UPSProcessingScheduler #2734
  • UI: Navigation->Studies: Action for selections buttons doesn't work if the study was selected from the button without opening the checkboxes with toggle checkboxes #2750
  • UI Study Navigation: Option to download single DICOM objects by DICOM URI uncompressed got lost #2751
  • WADO-RS: Duplicate frames/NNN suffix in Content-Location: HTTP Response MIME Part Header #2752
  • Storage/Query fails with NullPointerException on receive of objects with invalid Modified Attributes Sequence #2761
  • Mark studies for retrieve using CSV service creates invalid retrieve tasks if no Content-type header is specified #2763


  • Upgrade Keycloak in docker image to 11.0.2 #2738
  • Upgrade Keycloak adapter and Keycloak Admin Client in archive docker image to 11.0.2 #2739
  • Upgrade logstash in docker image to 7.9.1 #2764


  • Update Installation page in Wiki, concering the requirement of installed Keycloak Adapter with 5.22.4+ #2705
  • Testplan for Utilizing Unified Worklist (UWL) for queuing of DICOM Export Tasks #2725
  • Testplan for Utilizing Unified Worklist (UWL) for queuing of Retrieve Tasks #2726
  • Duplicate port argument in docker command for installation guide #2743

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