github dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light 5.16.1

latest releases: 5.32.0, 5.31.2, 5.31.1...
5 years ago

Attention!: Needs Wildfly 14 (or higher)


  • Improve STOW-RS logging #740
  • UI Compare Studies: Optionally force queries by Study Instance UID to secondary C-FIND SCP #1463
  • UI : Enable to specify Storage Verification filters for storage verification of Study/Series/Instance #1489
  • UI Configuration: Verify AET, host and port before saving a new Remote Application Entity #1522
  • update logstash version in docker image to 6.7.1 #1694
  • UI : Enable to reschedule Storage Verification task(s) on a different device as they were scheduled before #1701
  • UI Monitoring : Enable rescheduling of matching Tasks also for status SCHEDULED and IN PROCESS #1702
  • Enable to deploy Archive in Wildfly 16.x #1805
  • Replace QueryDSL by JPA Criteria API #1806
  • HL7 ORU : Optionally allow to configure language for the imported SRs #1828
  • Upgrade Wildfly in docker image to 16.0.0.Final #1837
  • Support additional character sequence \X000d\ as line feed for incoming HL7 ORU messages #1865
  • upgrade ProstgreSQL JDBC Driver to 42.2.5 #1866
  • Use opencv based codecs provided by Weasis 3.x also for JPEG and JPEG 2000 compression #1868
  • Add logging when storage commitments are purged by scheduler #1870
  • RESTful Service to request Storage Commitment for all instances of a Study or Series or for a single Instance from an external Storage Commitment SCP #1871
  • RESTful service to schedule requests for Storage Commitment of matching Studies/Series/Instances from an external Storage Commitment SCP #1872
  • RESTful Service to notify an external IAN SCP about the availability of all instances of a Study or Series or of a single Instance #1874
  • RESTful service to schedule the notification of an external IAN SCP about the availability of matching Studies/Series/Instances #1875
  • RESTful service to update Study Access Control ID of matching Studies #1876
  • Support build with Java 11 #1881
  • docker image slapd-dcm4chee: Make all archive AETs configurable by ENV variables #1882
  • Upgrade Keycloak to 5.0.0 in docker image #1883
  • Upgrade Java in archive docker image to openjdk:11.0.2 #1884
  • Archive Docker image: Protect Wildfly Adminstration Console with Keycloak #1890
  • UI: AET Widget: Add UI Config for the AETs so you can select the Accepted Calling AE Title #1894
  • Docker images: Disable hostname verification connecting to LDAP using TLS #1898
  • Replace Keycloak Proxy by Keycloak Gatekeeper #1900
  • RESTful forwarding of tasks : return ConfigurationNotFoundException if target device not found or is not installed #1905
  • Provide "dcm4chee-arc" Web Application in default configuration #1906
  • Provide Web Applications corresponding to all Archive AETs in default configuration #1907
  • Monitoring Task(s) RESTful services : Log query parameters of HTTP request #1911

Bug Fixes

  • UI: Studies Page: File Upload doesn't work with https #1857
  • UI Studies Page : Query National Patient Registry icon seen for unconfigured X-Road properties / PDQ Service Descriptors #1862
  • Missing cacerts.jks in binary distribution packages #1863
  • UI: Ui AET-list configuration: You have to configure the AET-list for both sides (internal and external), doesn't work if you configure only one side. #1864
  • Request method logged incorrectly for Diff Task Restful services #1869
  • Increase number of retries to insert a new code into the DB #1873
  • UI: Server Time not visible anymore #1879
  • Remove UI configuration from sample configuration of archive #1892
  • Error when saving studies if log level changed from INFO to WARN #1899
  • HL7 Order : root level MWL attributes are not updated if there was no update in Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence #1902
  • UI: Associations: If connectTime is not available, it can prevent associations to show up #1904
  • Bulk reschedule of tasks to new device always returns reschedule count as 0 #1908
  • Reschedule export task to new exporter reschedules task to original exporter if the new ExporterID has lesser characters and starts similar to original ExporterID #1909
  • Bulk reschedule of export tasks to new exporter reschedules them to original exporter #1910

Binary Distribution Packages

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