github dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light 5.14.1

latest releases: 5.32.0, 5.31.2, 5.31.1...
5 years ago

New Features

  • UI Monitoring : Enable to show List and Count of Storage Verification Tasks #1515
  • UI Studies: Schedule Storage Verification of matching Studies #1521
  • Update Expiration Date of Studies on receive of HL7 messages #1000
  • UI Monitoring : Enable to get result of Compare Studies Task #1394
  • UI Monitoring : Enable to get result of batched Compare Studies Tasks #1395
  • UI Monitoring : Enable to Cancel/Reschedule/Delete single and bulk Storage Verification Tasks #1516
  • UI Monitoring : Enable to show list of batched Storage Verification Tasks #1517
  • Emit Procedure Record Audit Message for all outgoing HL7 Order messages #1535
  • Export entities on receive of DICOM composite objects according configurable prefetch rules #1576
  • Export entities on receive of HL7 message according configurable prefetch rules #1590


  • UI Studies: Filter for Studies with Series with Failures of Last Compression #1544
  • Enable to store Archive UI Configuration outside of Archive Device #1234
  • UI Configuration: Verify AET, host and port before saving a new Application Entity #1522
  • UI Studies: Do not show widgets for not applicable filters for External AETs on Studies page #1513
  • UI Configuration: Enable to correct/remove incorrect values (In dynamic array values) #1574
  • UI Monitoring: Cancel/Reschedule/Delete all matching Diff Tasks #1398
  • Include sent HL7 ACK message in Patient Record Audit Message #1529
  • Include sent HL7 ACK message in Procedure Record Audit Message #1530
  • Emit Patient Record Audit Messages for all accepted (= also for not processed) incoming HL7 ADT messages #1536
  • Emit Procedure Record Audit Messages for all accepted (= also for not processed) incoming HL7 Order messages #1537
  • Configurable forward any received HL7 message (not only processed) #1558
  • Configurable log any received HL7 message to files (not only processed) #1559
  • Fire HL7ConnectionEvents on received or sent HL7 Messages on in and outgoing TCP connections #1560
  • Fire AssociationEvents on success/failure to initiate an association to a remote AE and on acceptance/rejection of an association request from a remote AE #1563
  • Include sent HL7 ACK message in Import Report Service Audit Message #1573
  • UI: Improve copy to clipboard function #1583
  • Accept objects which missing attributes in Issuer Of Accession Number Sequence Item #1585
  • Forward HL7 messages conditional on any HL7 message field ((sub-)component) #1586
  • Extend Conditions of Scheduled Station for HL7 Order on any HL7 message field ((sub-)component) #1587
  • Emit Audit Message if a user change her password in Keycloak #1593
  • UI: Make the visibility of the AET-lists configurable #1596
  • WADO: Include Accession Number, Study Description and attributes of items of the Referenced Request Sequence in SR rendered as HTML or TEXT #1597
  • Emit Audit Message on update of Expiration Date of Studies on receive of HL7 messages #1600
  • Docker images: provide ENVs to pass path of file with password #1606
  • Docker Images: enable use of TLS accessing OpenLDAP #1607

Bug Fixes

  • XSLT based Attribute Coercion fails for Rejection Notes created by the Archive itself #1557
  • Forwarding of Reschedule of single task fails #1568
  • UI: on logout click UI goes in to infinity loop instead of going to login page #1569
  • Storage Verification/Commitment fails if the referenced instances have no common Retrieve AET #1572
  • Missing dicomDeviceName in response of RESTful services to list AEs, HL7 Apps and WEB apps #1578
  • Queries with UniversalEntityID and UniversalEntityIDType of IssuerOfPatientIDQualifiersSequence as matching keys fails with Invalid path: 'issuerEntity.issuer.universalEntityID' #1579
  • ID generator returns same ID on concurrent requests #1584
  • External HL7 Patient Merge RESTful service fails #1589
  • Storage fails with java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if configured Storage Verification Initial Delay is specified in months or years #1603
  • Storage Verification fails with java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if configured Storage Verification Period is specified in months or years #1604
  • UI: Configurator, adding Archive device extension to a new device not possible #1571


  • UI Export tab Reschedule of Single Task : Remove 'batchID' field #1502
  • Customize login screen of Keycloak 4.x in Docker Image #1492
  • UI: Removing not used module #1561
  • UI: adding java ui config for elasticsearch keycloak server (Only Pro version) #1567
  • Remove Archive Device Attribute Query/Retrieve View ID #1577
  • UI: Monitoring: Replace the filters in the Export page with the filter-generator #1588
  • Upgrade jclouds to 2.1.1 #1594
  • Upgrade Keycloak to 4.4.0.Final #1595
  • Enable to build dev version of UI #1601
  • update logstash version in docker image to 6.4.1 #1602
  • Update DICOM native decompressors dcm4che/dcm4che#340 + dcm4che/dcm4che#350

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