New Features
- RESTful service to apply configured Study Retention Policies to matching Series #1323
- RESTful service to schedule Storage Verification of matching Studies/Series/Instances #1503
- RESTful service to list Storage Verification Tasks #1504
- RESTful service to cancel/reschedule/delete Storage Verification Tasks #1505
- RESTful service to list batched Storage Verification Tasks #1506
- Verify Storage of archived objects in configurable interval #1518
- Emit Patient Record Audit Message for all outgoing HL7 ADT messages #1534
- Compress stored images after a particular delay according configurable rules #1538
- UI: Enable to download Diff tasks as csv #1397
- STGCMT-RS: support storage verification of Series with purged Instance records #1494
- Avoid failures of Study Size Exporter on missing Studies #1497
- Avoid failures of Query Attributes Exporter on missing Studies #1498
- Support Audit Logger names with non-word characters #1500
- RESTful Reschedule Export Task(s) service : Disable rescheduling tasks with status 'TO SCHEDULE' #1501
- RESTful Forward Rule Attribute: Request URL Pattern #1508
- Persist number of failures of last Storage Verification of a Series in the DB #1509
- QIDO-RS: query parameter "storageVerificationFailed=true" to filter for (Studies with) Series with Failures of Last Storage Verification #1510
- Suppress scheduling of retrieve tasks if there is already such retrieve Task scheduled with a different Archive AET #1511
- UI: Adding loader on filter-generator #1523
- Enable caching of secured web pages by default in archive docker images #1524
- Reduce number of SQL statements for claiming Update of Series Metadata by one node #1526
- Support to filter Compare Study Tasks for which results are returned by RESTful service to get Compare Studies Batch Result #1531
- DIFF-RS, DIMSE-RS: Avoid buffering of received pending C-FIND RSPs in memory #1540
- Persist number of failures of last Compression of a Series in the DB #1542
- QIDO-RS: query parameter "compressionfailed=true" to filter for (Studies with) Series with Failures of Last Compression #1543
- STGVER-RS shall indicate storage verification failures by HTTP Status 409 or 202 #1545
- Reduce number of SQL statements invoked on deletion of objects of a Study #1551
- DIFF-RS: Verify missing Studies on compare of two archive instances by individual queries #1552
- Make deletion of objects of studies from cache storage robust against staled values of study.storage_ids #1553
- DIFF-RS: Cancel or deletion of Study Compare Task shall stop execution of Task #1554
- Update Diff Task in process in configurable intervall for progress monitoring #1555
Bug Fixes
- Deletion of least accessed studies fails when instance records are already purged #1214
- RESTful service Change Patient ID nullifies patient attributes #1342
- Bulk delete of tasks may cause OutOfMemoryError #1495
- Wildfly ManagedScheduledExecutorService limits number of maximal threads if core-threads is configure #1496
- Large number of Audit Spool files may cause OutOfMemoryError #1499
- Object deletion on one Storage System may block object deletion on other Storage Systems #1527
- Network AE without archive extension causes hangup on Association Negotiation #1549
- Deletion of Diff Task in process causes NPE #1556
- Provide Docker image with Postgres 10.4 #1507
- Limit maximal number of Messages in local JMS Queue #1519
- Rename/Change RESTful Services for Storage Verification #1520
- UI Monitoring: Rename tab "External Retrieve" to just "Retrieve" #1528
- Add exception handling in Audit Service #1532
- Update db scripts for 5.14.0 for databases other than postgres #1546
- Upgrade Keycloak in Docker image to 4.3.0.Final #1547
- update logstash version in docker image to 6.3.2 #1550
- Testplan for Storage Verification of archived objects #1533
Binary Distribution Packages