github dbeaver/dbeaver 22.0.0

latest releases: 24.1.0, 24.0.5, 24.0.4...
2 years ago
            Changes since 21.3.5:
            - Data transfer:
                - Table recreate mapping type was added
                - Table selector dialog now supports filters configuration
                - Variables configuration for data transfer tasks was fixed
                - Variables auto-complete was fixed in output file name
                - Custom data formatting now applied for TXT export format
                - Insert statement now supports DEFAULT clause for empty list of columns
            - Data editor:
                - Row count calculation query was fixed
                - Rows scrolling was disabled for data modifying queries
                - Problem with editor focus after new row add was fixed
                - Column value filter was fixed (wrong SQL query)
            - SQL editor:
                - Parameters binding dialog was improved (multiline editor was added, keyboard shortcuts were fixed)
                - Filtering and ordering by columns with aliases was fixed
                - Problem with cursor jump to script end was fixed
                - Script selector popup was fixed (issue with datasource association)
                - Script task execute was fixed (for connections without default database)
            - DDL generator: option to generate FKs as separate statements was added
            - Metadata search: search by LIKE pattern was fixed
            - Session manager UI was fixed (multiline cells on Linux, background color for connection type)
            - Interface language now can be changed in preferences (for MacOS and Linux installers)
            - SSH: option to disable host name validation was added
            - Local clients configuration load was fixed (MySQL and PostgreSQL derived drivers)
            - Azure SQL server: view definition read was fixed
            - Clickhouse: read-only connections support was improved
            - H2:
                - Driver configuration for version 2.x was added
                - Check constraints support was added
                - Unique keys support was added
            - MySQL: new view creation was fixed (DDL)
            - Oracle:
                - Metadata read performance was significantly increased
                - Case-sensitive navigator filters support was fixed
            - Snowflake: custom authentication configuration option was fixed
            - SQLite: sequences read was fixed
            - SQL Server: open database object dialog now respects selected database
            - Italian localization was improved (thanks to @capitanfuturo)
            - Many minor UI bugs were fixed

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