github daytonaio/daytona v0.21.0

latest releases: v0.53.0, v0.52.1, v0.52.0...
8 months ago

Major update

Build projects on the target machine (#708)

A significant refactor is made to how the workspace creation process is run. The process is now ran on the target machine (local or remote) and directly on the host (before the process was ran inside a container). With this change, the creation process will see a significant performance improvement, especially on subsequent builds, because it will be cached on the hosts docker registry. Additionally, devcontainer Docker specific capabilities (e.g. gpu support) are now supported alongside full support for devcontainers that leverage docker compose projects.

What's Changed / Minor updates



  • fix: logging improvements by @idagelic in #711
  • fix: Using git providers hosted without HTTPS fails to clone repositories by @RS-labhub in #704

Chores and tests

  • chore(deps): bump from 0.7.2 to 0.7.7 by @dependabot in #709
  • style: gitness vars naming by @idagelic in #707

Breaking changes


The provider interface was changed so they will need to be updated by the user using daytona provider update

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.20.0...v0.21.0

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