github dateutil/dateutil 2.8.2

latest releases: 2.9.0.post0, 2.9.0.rc0.post0, 2.9.0.post0.rc0...
2 years ago

Version 2.8.2 (2021-07-08)

Data updates

  • Updated tzdata version to 2021a. (gh pr #1128)


  • Fixed a bug in the parser where non-ValueError exceptions would be raised
    during exception handling; this would happen, for example, if an
    IllegalMonthError was raised in dateutil code. Fixed by Mark Bailey.
    (gh issue #981, pr #987).
  • Fixed the custom repr for dateutil.parser.ParserError, which was not
    defined due to an indentation error. (gh issue #991, gh pr #993)
  • Fixed a bug that caused b' prefixes to appear in parse_isodate exception
    messages. Reported and fixed by Paul Brown (@pawl) (gh pr #1122)
  • Make isoparse raise when trying to parse times with inconsistent use of
    : separator. Reported and fixed by @mariocj89 (gh pr #1125).
  • Fixed tz.gettz() not returning local time when passed an empty string.
    Reported by @labrys (gh issues #925, #926). Fixed by @ffe4 (gh pr #1024)

Documentation changes

  • Rearranged parser documentation into "Functions", "Classes" and "Warnings and
    Exceptions" categories. (gh issue #992, pr #994).
  • Updated parser.parse documentation to reflect the switch from
    ValueError to ParserError. (gh issue #992, pr #994).
  • Fixed methods in the rrule module not being displayed in the docs. (gh pr
  • Changed some relative links in the exercise documentation to refer to the
    document locations in the input tree, rather than the generated HTML files in
    the HTML output tree (which presumably will not exist in non-HTML output
    formats). (gh pr #1078).


  • Moved, and to
    pytest. Reported and fixed by @jpurviance (gh pr #978)
  • Added project_urls for documentation and source. Patch by @andriyor (gh pr
  • Simplified handling of bytes and bytearray in _parser._timelex. Reported
    and fixed by @frenzymadness (gh issue #1060).
  • Changed the tests against the upstream tz database to always generate fat
    binaries, since until GH-590 and GH-1059 are resolved, "slim" zic binaries
    will cause problems in many zones, causing the tests to fail. This also
    updates zoneinfo.rebuild to always generate fat binaries. (gh pr #1076).
  • Moved sdist and wheel generation to use python-build. Reported and fixed by
    @mariocj89 (gh pr #1133).

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