github dataplat/dbatools v0.8.942

latest releases: v2.1.18, v2.1.17, v2.1.16...
7 years ago

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New Commands

Of the 23 new commands in this release, one command, Get-DbaSqlBuildReference, fulfills a need that I've seen talked about in the community for quite some time. Major Contributor Simone Bizzotto parsed a ton of SQL Server build information, created a JSON database then coded Get-DbaSqlBuildReference to parse it. We'll also be placing the data on once we get that going. Thank you, Simone!

General commands

Based on the popularity of Get-DbaDatabase and a general agreement within the team, 1.0 will include a bunch of basic Gets and Sets within the module that return SMO objects. Here's the first batch!

  • Get-DbaAgentJob
    Gets SQL Agent Job information for each instance(s) of SQL Server.

  • Get-DbaAgentJobOutputFile
    Returns the Output File for each step of one or many agent job with the Job Names provided dynamically if required for one or more SQL Instances.

  • Get-DbaBackupDevice
    Gets SQL Backup Device information for each instance(s) of SQL Server.

  • Get-DbaCredential
    Gets SQL Credential information for each instance(s) of SQL Server.

  • Get-DbaCustomError
    Gets SQL Custom Error Message information for each instance(s) of SQL Server.

  • Get-DbaDatabaseAssembly
    Gets SQL Database Assembly information for each instance(s) of SQL Server.

  • Get-DbaDatabaseEncryption
    Returns a summary of encryption used on databases based to it. Shows if a database has Transparent Data encryption, any certificates, asymmetric keys or symmetric keys with details for each.

  • Get-DbaJobCategory
    Gets SQL Agent Job Category information for each instance(s) of SQL Server.

  • Get-DbaServerAuditSpecification
    Gets SQL Security Audit Specification information for each instance(s) of SQL Server.

  • Get-DbaTable
    Shows table information around table row and data sizes and if it has any table type information.

  • Set-DbaAgentJobOutputFile
    Sets the OutPut File for a step of an agent job with the Job Names and steps provided dynamically if required.

  • Set-DbaSpConfigure
    This function changes the configured value for sp_configure settings. If the setting is dynamic this setting will be used, otherwise the user will be warned that a restart of SQL is required.

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