github dataform-co/dataform 1.6.1

latest releases: 3.0.0, 3.0.0-beta.6, 3.0.0-beta.5...
4 years ago

Adds alpha support for connecting to Redshift/Postgres via an SSH tunnel.

Currently this needs to be configured manually, by editing the .df-credentials.json file directly.

Example credentials JSON file for SSH tunnels

  "username": "db-username",
  "databaseName": "dev",
  "password": "db-password",
  "port": 5439,
  "host": "internal-redshift-pg-hostname",
  "sshTunnel": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 22,
    "privateKey": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEpAI.......42qzB6+Ow==\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
    "username": "ssh-username"

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