github databricks/terraform-provider-databricks v0.2.1

latest releases: v1.41.0, v1.40.0, v1.39.0...
3 years ago


464232f Added Databricks CLI config file fallback
528c074 Bump from 1.5.1 to 1.6.1; Bump from 1.13.0 to 1.13.1; Bump from 0.10.1 to 0.10.2
f57c17d Made lint even more happy by adjusting naming conventions and having VSCode not complain at all
fdb9b3d Make linter happy & remove redundant &schema.Schema
39a808e Merge branch 'ds/adls2mountvalidation' of into ds/adls2mountvalidation
164ea0b Merge branch 'ds/fix-mountclustermissing' of into ds/fix-mountclustermissing
d020a93 Merge branch 'ds/fix-mountclustermissing' of into ds/fix-mountclustermissing
3389d4e Merge branch 'master' into ds/adls2mountvalidation
5177ee4 Merge branch 'master' into ds/adls2mountvalidation
191aa0e Merge branch 'master' into ds/fix-mountclustermissing
d6b3504 Merge branch 'master' into ds/fix-mountclustermissing
09d8841 Merge branch 'master' into ds/fixmountdirectoryerror
e526941 Merge branch 'master' into fix-job-new-cluster
235b711 Merge branch 'master' into multiple-workspace-apis
4ea78e1 Merge branch 'master' into website-fix
2d1de58 Merge branch 'master' into website-fix
a74bb86 Merge branch 'master' of into fix-job-new-cluster
0f03f7b Merge branch 'master' of into group-role-member-feature
09ff551 Merge branch 'master' of into group-role-member-feature
0799650 Merge branches 'cluster-policies' and 'master' of into cluster-policies
95b6e0d Merge pull request #100 from databrickslabs/cleanup-and-tests
86f53be Merge pull request #101 from databrickslabs/group-role-member-feature
8998fb4 Merge pull request #102 from databrickslabs/cleanup-and-tests
8b42563 Merge pull request #104 from databrickslabs/website-fix
1ca9c22 Merge pull request #106 from storey247/ds/fixmountdirectoryerror
956d0ff Merge pull request #108 from databrickslabs/website-fix
bb63e4f Merge pull request #109 from databrickslabs/vendor
6137b83 Merge pull request #79 from databrickslabs/fix-job-new-cluster
a09eafc Merge pull request #85 from databrickslabs/cluster-policies
b8b4d86 Merge pull request #87 from storey247/ds/fix-mountclustermissing
8dd8c21 Merge pull request #90 from databrickslabs/multiple-workspace-apis
8eebc57 Merge pull request #91 from databrickslabs/vendor
3f56ba9 Merge pull request #95 from storey247/ds/adls2mountvalidation
34e68d5 Merge pull request #96 from databrickslabs/provider-auth-fix
f00e41b Sign releases and conform release artifacts naming to hashicorp tf provider requirements (#121)
67edef8 added databricks_group, databricks_group_member & databricks_group_role to manage the scim resources separately
e948e6a added extra tests and fixed linting issues
9fe788e added golanglintci file credits to the hashicorp azurerm provider, makefile is set to lint with the file, also added goimports and gofmt -s for simplifying code, and removed if else chains with switch
d3c6272 added logic to prevent mount point duplication
cf84787 added test run command PR feedback to verify interface
887efbe added test to demonstrate error for invalid config file path, and expanded the links
54d5011 added vendoring for aws sdk
408036b adjusted old repo to new repo naming convention for aligning with terraform provider naming convention
a0ad67e fix issue causing mount to error on read
56e0c63 fix lint issues
b0f123a fixed ebs volume count issue of being 0 and added integration tests for both azure and aws
20af367 fixed function name ValidateInstanceProfileARN in the doc comments
aa1ab14 fixed line end
9df28e9 fixed merge conflicts
b312c13 fixed order of precedence for basic auth, and fixed user-agent configuration according to mdn webdocs
d830ec3 fixed the build status svg and docs link
fa5daa7 fixed vendor and added the required vendor files to successfully run the builds
f238972 fixes prefix missing the period
11885f2 fixing import statements
27a4030 fixing logic in blob mount
9c81f69 fixing typo and formatting issues
83f6e80 format and linting errors resolved
d56c8ed formatting and fixed typo
160e48d further updates
38e70d0 go mod tidy applied
fb4a680 go-fmt cleanup
babef36 mounts now handle deleted cluster correctly
ce716b9 patching up gen1 mount & blob creation error check
511d3c3 removed deprecation notice as it is invalid
51ead31 removed last link, added docs and vendored the packages required
76afb2e renamed group_role to group_instance_profile
546bc56 reverting change to the test clientid
1c27629 small resource naming doc fix
85ac029 standardised the validate logic found azure mounts
f4e1d54 updated documentation
aaf8f89 updated to remove fmt from lint command so you will have to now run make fmt manually so build step in travis catches the error
e6700b9 vendor bump aws-sdk-go 1.32.1 -> 1.32.2
8628862 vendored the packages required for this build

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