github databricks/terraform-provider-databricks v0.1.0

latest releases: v1.41.0, v1.40.0, v1.39.0...
4 years ago


1924541 Added ClusterStateUnknown as a possible scenario in which the cluster is in a non terminable state.
11c1bc9 Added unit test coverage for commands. Refactored commands to return when waiting for context and command to reach finish state.
0529414 Added unit test coverage for dbfs api. Added better logic for recursive adding of paths.
eeeec1c Added unit test coverage for groups. Removed print statement in groups GetAdminGroup method.
8339194 Added unit test coverage for instance pools.
efe3bfa Added unit test coverage for instance profiles.
cd3dcfe Added unit test coverage for jobs.
bcdfe87 Added unit test coverage for libraries installations.
1499ec2 Added unit test coverage for notebooks. Added better error logic for fetching recursive paths. Errors will fail the recursive call.
d248ea1 Added unit test coverage for tokens
55c4000 Changed license from Databricks to Apache
0bbf3e4 Fixed & refactored linting issues in client/model package
67dca86 Fixed & refactored linting issues in client/service package
08e3eb7 Fixed & refactored linting issues in databricks package
9d8741c Fixed typo
790ac8f Initial commit
0020d9d Merge branch 'master' into github-workflows
a55ff60 Merge branch 'master' of
858aba7 Merge branch 'master' of
0988340 Merge pull request #1 from databrickslabs/develop
dd825ec Merge pull request #1 from databrickslabs/master
0262da4 Merge pull request #2 from databrickslabs/master
51be033 Merge pull request #2 from databrickslabs/master
82c3ca0 Merge pull request #3 from databrickslabs/develop
b42116f Merge pull request #3 from databrickslabs/master
acbbeb0 Merge pull request #4 from databrickslabs/develop
4b59bc6 Merge pull request #4 from databrickslabs/master
e486c68 Merge pull request #5 from databrickslabs/master
c2714a4 Merge pull request #6 from databrickslabs/develop
524321c Merge pull request #7 from stikkireddy/private/hugo-docs
712a922 Merge pull request #8 from databrickslabs/github-workflows
b629b86 Update issue templates
9dd4863 Update issue templates with feedback template
752ea2d Updated documentation and added more sphinx docs for each resource and provider.
f92091f added a resource description
cfa660b added aws attributes doc to instance pool and added databricks job and notebook to documentation
a73b99b added cluster to the toc and added libaries to cluster docs
f5d1464 added clusters resource, notebook resource, notebook data source and notebook_paths data source
4ee4200 added dbfs datasource and resource objects for uploading files
6280e32 added dbfs file sync documentation and to the table of contents
ea5dbfe added doc issue
e6a7fc6 added documentation for db_dbfs_file resource and updated toc
c49cf30 added documentation for instance pools and fixed example for azure to use premium_lrs instead of ebs option
c1dd375 added feedback link directly into main page
55cd215 added go formatting
755327c added golangci-lint
dee5bdb added gotestsum
037c675 added id fields to cluster, dbfs_file, job and notebook. Also created new docs for instance profile and added to the toc
e547e93 added instance profile support, library support, commands support, mount support (s3 iam, adls gen1, adls gen2 and blob) added a few acceptance tests for TF and a Dockerfile.
36022ef added linting to the build target and fmt target
948f404 added logging and masking to the azure auth init component, updated provider to include useragent, updated makefile to include coverage for full tests, with integration. added bck files for gitignore. Added useragent to the dbfs file sync.
2bd262b added masking to secrets.go & notebooks create, removed version.go, and added fixed up the integration tests
50f83fa added more to the unit testing framework for the client to make stub webserver and assert logic for multiple requests in sequence for a method
1630d37 added notice to the artifact
2fc5e54 added publish dir into the config.toml for hugo
c37644d added relURL shortcodes into favicon and logo html files
e167467 added secrets masking for auditing the api calls into the logger. For now the logging functionality is very basic. Using the standard logger. Refactored client.go and moved it into service. Added custom error capability. Added AuthType (Basic & Token) and UserAgent as config options into DBApiClientConfig. Added auditing capabilities and masking capabilties for the audit to remove secrets using the struct tag mask:"true".
c1ce491 added singlehtmldocs for make file and better naming conventions for the downloads in the releases
320cdf2 added singlehtmldocs for make file and better naming conventions for the downloads in the releases
16719f0 added status badge, verbose testing and fixed cleanup in the hugo command
ae824d3 added support for jobs resource
7613305 added table of contents
c91b8f7 added templates to gitignore
fd14435 added the mounts to documentation. aws s3, adls gen 1, adls gen 2 and azure blob
1db3bda added windows as a possible os to goreleaser
a9f0e32 added workflows
9caf621 changed author to databricks labs
bb2baec changed binary name from version number to tag which will allow terraform provider to work appropriately
1a19d61 changed fetch for gotestsum via curl
627b8df changed's permissions to execute
44e5081 changed to fixed favicon path and logo path
cf9a21b consolidated issue templates
1ddfec5 created documentation for db_cluster resource
be8aaa5 disable deployment to gh-pages for now till opensource
0457302 emptied notebook test
f7c9005 enable docs for gh-pages
855a680 fixed godownloader script to remove the replace command
a2b668b fixed mounts string formatting when removing ls mounts, added todos for db_job and renamed new_cluster name to cluster_name. Also added provider version into the gorelease file
0c8b000 fixed nil value issue when readmethod gets invoked and docker image ptr is nil, if job email settings are nil api still sends back empty struct so if all values are reflected to "zero" set email notifications to nil in the TF state
20d14d6 fixed packaging template
f13841e fixed path and content links
c162e50 fixed relative path issue using shortcode for relURL for favicon and logo
a059e41 fixed test object and added linting to the test make command
f70185a fixed the go get command to fetch and removed the $
ea99640 fixed waitforterminating and waitforrunning methods to add return statements so additional requests are not made when the state machine hits a terminal state. Added unit test coverage for clusters.
3675481 formatted all the code, refactored all the resources to be databricks_ rather than db_
03b3def goreleaser and godownloader script to quickly install provider via curl statement
352e794 ignored website paths for go build when website links change, and added gh pages deployment when websites change
a400b87 initial commit from private repository
b006aa8 injected version into user agent and refactored config to be public and accessible outside of service package
880e800 kept lint and test separate commands
8807226 manually fetched gotestsum
15f17c5 migrated docs from sphinx to hugo static site with the learn theme. fixed goreleaser to push up artifacts, injected commit and date into the providers
bbb9797 moved images to img folder and replaced with relative paths
cf3792d moved mounts to the provider code base as it is not native to the client and requires calling the service.
9543320 notebook object id should be int64 and not int32
a6d6632 package full docs with html
dbbf8c9 publish to gh-pages branch and also removed the explicit publishDir
fdfe046 push generated website and fix env variables in docs and added docker installation docs
877da45 push goreleaser action
4a1572c pushing up terraform-plugin-sdk/helper/customdiff
93c319e refactoed based of golangci-lint
b8b2013 refactored User read around into a private method and public method to do additional components for a proper read for inherited roles. Added unit test coverage for users
05bac73 refactored and removed pointer receivers when not needed. Removed unused constants and replaced with strings. Terraform will not be using strict type checking. Applied formatting. Fully fleshed out support for scim users and groups with inheritance managed to avoid updates, and support for scim groups to have entitlements and roles.
d6ea5e4 refactored unit test coverage for secrets, scopes and acls
90cbd31 reformatted code after linting
17cface removed commented out code
986fe9c removed db from the file names
e1f6f16 removed newlines from readme
048323d removed some docs that are not relevant
03a909a removed the :ref: on sublists, and added the binary to gitignore and added db_job and db_notebook into the toc tree for the resource_index
7dbb2f3 removed the notebooks api call as that still has not been built
f930bb3 removed unneeded curly braces in and
09504f4 renamed darwin to macOS a name more people are familiar with
f298f5f separated snapshot hugo and sync
14db625 updaded status of the documentation for the databricks resource objects
7a877ad updated dependancies and fixed dependancies to point to databricks labs, and added quickstart tutorial to install the provider
3dad715 updated descriptions for all the issue templates
2eec3cc updated instructions for private repository
172d463 updated logo to the new logo
b5550b8 updated readme to include mounts
3d777be updated readme to include the latest status of the terraform resources and data sources.
1afe31a updated readme to reflect work done so far
1a33f42 updated the base url and regenerated the docs
764a87e updated to plugin 1.10, added acceptance tests for groups and users. Added support for default roles and a data source to fetch the default all_user roles via creating a dummy user. Changed environment variable to include databricks prefix and databricks_azure for the azure components. Restructured storage types to include separate dbfs and s3 list blocks.
c47c8f0 updated toc to remove italics
06e457c updated vendor to include the latest version of the terraform plugin sdk to 1.9.0
d330dde updated with project name

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