github dart-lang/build build_barback-v0.1.0
build_barback 0.1.0

latest releases: build-v2.2.1, build_runner-v2.1.7, build_modules-v4.0.4...
7 years ago

Updated to reflect the new support for reading/writing as bytes in the build
package, and the removal of the Asset class.

New Features

  • BuilderTransformer now supports wrapping transformers that read or write
    their inputs as bytes.
  • The Resolver implementation now has isLibrary to check whether an Asset is a
    Library and throws an exception rather than returns null on getLibrary when
    it isn't

Breaking Changes

  • Stopped exporting lib/src/util/barback.dart which contains internal only
    utilities. Specifically, the following items are no longer public (some are
    deleted entirely or had breaking changes as well):
    • toBarbackAsset
    • toBarbackAssetId
    • toBarbackTransform
    • toBuildAsset
    • toBuildAssetId
    • toTransformLogger
    • BuildStepTransform

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