I'm back! Fixes and a spot of polish. Thanks to @cclauss and @kkHAIKE for their first contributions to Posting! 🙇
- Renamed "Change theme" to "Preview theme" in command palette, and update description to not imply the change persists across sessions (use the config file for persistent changes).
- Fixed crash when invalid syntax theme is specified. Posting now exits cleanly with an error message.
- Fixed toast message on copying text referring to "Response text" regardless of what text was copied.
- Fixed error handling and messaging when themes contain invalid syntax, invalid values. Includes batching errors and displaying multiple in one message.
- Fixed animation level config no longer being respected.
- Fixed missing
method in scripting API that was described in docs but not implemented. - Fixed no way to escape dollar signs in variable substitution system.
- Fixed blue dot not appearing in headers tab despite there being headers.
What's Changed
- PEP8: Never use equality operators to compare to singletons by @cclauss in #158
- Add sender option to add_row function by @kkHAIKE in #198
- Replace previous environment variable check logic with a new regular … by @kkHAIKE in #196
- GitHub Actions: uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5 by @cclauss in #200
- Theme error handling and messaging improvements by @darrenburns in #156
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.3.0...2.3.1