more-jpeg is a service designed to intentionally degrade the quality of JPEG images by introducing significant compression artifacts, turning them into ✨ works of art ✨ (Inspired by needsmorejpeg.com
Added Ingredients
- exponential_noise: Adds random variation.
- scale: Amount of noise to add, Default: 30
- sharpness: Enhances image edge definition.
- factor: Amount of sharpness to add, Default: 100
- contrast: Increases the visual difference between elements.
- factor: Amount of contrast to add, Default: 100
- posterize: Reduces image colors to distinct levels.
- bits: Number of bits to posterize to, Default: 2
- invert: Reverses colors in the image.
- shift: Shifts the image.
- shift_x: Amount to shift the image on the x-axis, Default: 0.3
- shift_y: Amount to shift the image on the y-axis, Default: 0.3
- flip: Flips the image.
- mirror: Mirrors the image.
- grayscale: Grayscale the image.
- solarize: Solarize the image.
- threshold: Pixels above this grayscale level are inverted, Default: 128
- emboss: Creates an embossed effect.
- blur: Blurs the image.
- radius: Radius of blurring, Default: 2
- edge_enhance: Enhances edges in the image.
- pixelate: Pixelates the image.
- box_size: Size of pixelation boxes, Default: 10
- warhol: Applies a Warhol-like effect.
- cartoonize: Converts the image into a cartoon-like representation.
- color_levels: Number of color levels, Default: 6
Added Recieps
- Lite: Adds a little bit of compression artifacts
- Noise: Adds a little bit of noise
- Artifact Hell: Adds a lot of compression artifacts
- Pro+: Completely destroy your image