github dapr/dapr v0.10.0
Dapr Runtime v0.10.0

latest releases: v1.13.2, v1.13.2-rc.1, v1.13.1...
pre-release3 years ago

Dapr 0.10.0

It's been six weeks, and We're happy to announce the release of Dapr v0.10.0!

With Dapr approaching v1.0, our releases increasingly focus on operational concerns like stability, reliability, and upgradability in production environments.
As always, community and user requests and feedback are top of mind along with bug fixes.

We would like to extend our thanks to all new and existing contributors who helped make this release happen.


If you're new to Dapr, visit the getting started page and familiarize yourself with Dapr.

Docs have been updated with all the new features and changes of this release. To get started with new capabilities introduced in this release, go to the Concepts and the How To section.

Note: This release contains a few breaking changes.

See this section on upgrading Dapr to version 0.10.0.

New in this release

Dapr Runtime

Refactored Kubernetes operator with Kubebuilder, allowing for multi-replica reconciliation (Thanks @yittg)

Added Windows containers support

Added support for multiple pub/sub components

Added Bulk Get API

Changed command line arguments

Added stdout log exporter (Thanks @brendandburns)

Fixed actors stability bug under high RPS

Added Windows e2e tests

Removed outdated third-party vendor docs (Thanks @yittg)

Fixed actor reminder firing twice bug

Added topic field to Pub/Sub cloud events spec (Thanks @allymparker)

Upgraded to use Go 1.15

Removed glog dependency and redundant flags

Fixed race condition in actor timers

Updated dashboard permissions Helm chart

Fixed test default values for TARGET_OS and TARGET_ARCH

Added CPU/Memory utilization for performance tests

Added ability to turn off telemetry for performance tests

Fixed sidecar not resolving secrets after first time installation

Removed state retry options

Fixed actor reminders overwrite bug

Added Grafana dashboards as part of release assets

Fixed grpc_client_method and grpc_client_status metrics tags always empty bug (Thanks @kirk91)

Added log entry on sidecar when API auth token is enabled

Added versioning scheme to component definition

Updated pub/sub to CloudEvents 1.0 spec

Added High availability option to Helm Chart

Fixed operator k8s service update bug (Thanks @yittg)

Added traceparent header in gRPC call

Dapr CLI

Added support for multi pub/sub in publish command

Added command to export existing TLS certificates in a Kubernetes cluster

Added command to check on TLS root cert expiry date

Changed dapr init -k to allow for custom namespaces, HA mode and TLS enabled/disabled

Changed command line arguments to be consistent with daprd

Fixed version flag not uniform in standalone/Kubernetes modes

Updated helm message for uninstall --all command

Added webhook to trigger homebrew release

Changed init and uninstall behavior for self hosted mode


Added oauth2 client authorization middleware (Thanks @h2floh)

Added Azure Blob Storage state store (Thanks @ksivamuthu)

Added InflubxDB output binding (Thanks @gbaeke)

Added TLS support for MQTT pub/sub (Thanks @kumaya)

Fixed SQL Server data serialization issue with gRPC

Fixed RabbitMQ pub/sub consumer exclusivity bug

Updated output bindings operations list

Added Metadata field to transactional state request

Fixed SQL Server connection leak issue

Updated Kubernetes events input binding with new payloads

Java SDK

Added multi pub/sub support

Updated k8s annotations, CLI options and daprd arguments

Updated API to support HTTP extensions

Removed retry options from state

Fixed gRPC manager not shutting down


Added multi pub/sub support

Updated actor usage docs (Thanks @tomkerkhove)

Updated proto package with Any type (Thanks @akkie)

Fixed null reference exception when no model binder provided (Thanks @altinoren)

Added Bulk Get API

Updated k8s annotations, CLI options and daprd arguments

Removed retry options from state

Added api token injection


Added multi pub/sub support

Removed retry options from state

Updated k8s annotations, CLI options and daprd arguments

Added server side callback wrapper

Added Bulk Get API

Added state transactions API

Python SDK

Added multi pub/sub support

Updated k8s annotations, CLI options and daprd arguments

Added wrapper methods for state store APIs (Thanks @chinzhiweiblank)

Added wrapper layers for gRPC

Added server side wrapper for app callback

Added actor service via fastapi

Added wrapper methods for secrets API

Added wrapper methods for pub/sub API

Added wrapper methods for bindings API

Added support for api token auth

Rust SDK

Added multi pub/sub support

Updated k8s annotations, CLI options and daprd arguments

JavaScript SDK

Added multi pub/sub support

Updated k8s annotations, CLI options and daprd arguments


Added Kubernetes production deployment and upgrade guidelines

Updated multi pub/sub parts

Updated k8s annotations, CLI and daprd arguments

Fixed broken KEDA link (Thanks @tomkerkhove)

Updated with new IntelliJ instructions for multiple dapr runs

Updated API reference with state transactions API

Updated API reference with state bulk get API

Updated Kubernetes events input binding

Updated troubleshoot section for configuring multiple replicas to the Kubernetes sidecar injector

Updated state API reference to remove retry options

Updated links to reference to new quickstarts repo

Upgrading to Dapr 0.10.0

If you're upgrading from an older version of Dapr to 0.10.0, follow the steps here to ensure a smooth upgrade. You know, the one where you don't get red errors on the terminal.. we all hate that, right?

Local Machine / Self-hosted

Uninstall Dapr using the CLI you currently have. Note that this will remove the default $HOME/.dapr directory, binaries and all containers dapr_redis, dapr_placement and dapr_zipkin. Linux users need to run sudo if they have installed binary in default path /usr/local/bin/ or have docker command needing sudo.:

dapr uninstall --all

Next, get the latest CLI following these instructions, or alternatively download the latest and greatest release from here and put the dapr binary in your PATH.

Once you have downloaded the CLI, run:

dapr init

Wait for the update to finish, and you're good to go!
Make sure you have the right runtime version (0.10.0) with:

dapr --version


Upgrading from 0.9.0

If you previously installed Dapr using Helm, starting with this releases you can now upgrade Dapr to a new version.
If you installed Dapr using the CLI, go here.

Note: For this release only, you will not be carrying your old certs over due to a breaking change in Go 1.15. This might lead to errors during upgrade. To see the full documentation regarding upgrading Dapr, see here.

1. Get the latest CLI

Get the latest version of the Dapr CLI as outlined above, and put it in your path.
You can also use the helper scripts outlined here to get the latest version.

2. Upgrade

First, update your Helm repos:

helm repo update

Run the following command to upgrade Dapr:

helm upgrade dapr dapr/dapr --version 0.10.0 --namespace dapr-system --reset-values

Wait until all the pods are in Running state:

kubectl get pods -w -n dapr-system

Verify the control plane is updated and healthy:

dapr status -k

Next, issue a rolling update to your Dapr enabled deployments. When the pods restart, the new sidecar version will be picked up.

kubectl rollout restart deploy/<DEPLOYMENT-NAME>

All done!

Starting fresh

If you previously installed Dapr on your Kubernetes cluster using the Dapr CLI, run:

Note: Make sure you're uninstalling with your existing CLI

dapr uninstall --kubernetes

It's fine to ignore any errors that might show up.

If you previously installed Dapr using Helm 2.X:

helm del --purge dapr

If you previously installed Dapr using Helm 3.X:

helm uninstall dapr -n dapr-system

Update the Dapr repo:

helm repo update

If you installed Dapr with Helm to a namespace other than dapr-system, modify the uninstall command above to account for that.

You can now follow these instructions on how to install Dapr using Helm 3.

Alternatively, you can use the CLI:

dapr init --kubernetes

Post installation

Verify the control plane pods are running and are healthy:

dapr status -k

dapr-sentry            dapr-system  True     Running  0.10.0    1d   2020-08-18 10:15.21  
dapr-operator          dapr-system  True     Running  0.10.0    1d   2020-08-18 10:15.21  
dapr-sidecar-injector  dapr-system  True     Running  0.10.0    1d   2020-08-18 10:15.21  
dapr-placement         dapr-system  True     Running  0.10.0    1d   2020-08-18 10:15.21 

After Dapr 0.10.0 has been installed, perform a rolling restart for your deployments to pick up the new version of the sidecar.
This can be done with:

kubectl rollout restart deploy/<deployment-name>

Breaking Changes

Multi Pub/Sub

With the v0.10.0 release, we have added the support for multiple pub/sub components. That means that you can now publish and subscribe to topics arriving from different components.

To this end, several changes have been made to both the publisher and consumer sides.


An additional parameter has been added to tell Dapr which pub/sub component you're targeting.

Old API:

POST http://localhost:<daprPort>/v1.0/publish/<topic>

New API:

POST http://localhost:<daprPort>/v1.0/publish/<pubsubname>/<topic>


Note: The following example in in Javascript but applicable to all languages

An additional pubsubName field has been added to the subscription payload to tell Dapr which pub/sub component this subscription is for.

Old subscription:

app.get('/dapr/subscribe', (req, res) => {
            topic: "newOrder",
            route: "orders",

New subscription:

app.get('/dapr/subscribe', (req, res) => {
            topic: "newOrder",
            route: "orders",
            pubsubName: "messagebus"

Changes have been made to the different SDKs, so make sure to get the latest version of the SDK you're using.
Specifically, the subscription structures have added a pubsubName field and the publish methods take the pubsubName argument.


The publish command on the Dapr CLI now takes a required param --pubsub to specifiy the pubsub component:

dapr publish --pubsub pubsub --topic myevent --data '{ "name": "yoda" }'

State retries

The retry options for state operations have been removed. If you've never used retries, this is not a breaking change.
The updated API references can be found here.

Java SDK

The Service Invocation method now accepts an HTTPExtension argument.

Old method call:

client.invokeService(serviceAppId, method, message);

New method call:

client.invokeService(serviceAppId, method, message, HttpExtension.NONE);

CLI install path

The command dapr init will now install the runtime binary daprd into $HOME/.dapr/bin for Mac/Linux and %USERPROFILE%\.dapr\ for Windows.
In addition, the --install-path argument has been removed from the dapr init and dapr uninstall commands.

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