- 557413c build(version): bump to version v0.16.0-rc
- 57013e6 build(version): bump version to v0.16.0
- c9e0bb5 ci(actions): add a new binary build to provide an special binary for sqlite and cgo enabled
- d7f4b95 ci(actions): add a step to check if the binary version matches the latest release tag
- a3c42d9 ci(actions): add suport for git tags for release candidates and beta versions
- eb1fd08 feat(gui): add a better feedback response at query events
- b9f3a5d feat(gui): add the ability to update the table list if tables status get updated
- 75eb190 fix(actions): fix how the versions are evaluated
- 4692fa4 fix(actions): fix the regex for the release candidates
- 10ffb29 fix(actions): fix version command
- 050c12a fix(version): fix the version