github danrahn/MarkerEditorForPlex v2.1.0
Marker Editor for Plex v2.1.0

latest releases: v2.7.0, v2.7.0-beta.2, v2.7.0-beta.1...
15 months ago

v2.1.0 - 2023-02-23

Fix some bugs in 2.0 and build upon credits support



  • Add intro versus credits marker distinction in marker breakdowns, including additional chart options (a2d15a9)
  • Add basic filtering support based on the number of intro/credits (e.g. filter to movies that have no credits markers) (16f267c).
    • To expose the filter without narrowing things down to a specific search term, press 'Enter' in the search box with an empty search value.


  • Better schema upgrade handling in the case where the Plex database has already been updated with a different instance of Marker Editor (d1cfd3f)
  • Fix some searchbox handling that determines when to initiate a new search (f693d45)
  • Addressing purged markers individually could build up a queue of PurgeOverlay requests, causing a noticeable UI delay (e135755)

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