github danog/MadelineProto 7.0.139
Fix HTML escaping in markdown

latest releases: 8.0.1, 8.0.0, 8.0.0-beta205...
pre-release18 months ago

This bugfix release fixes HTML escaping in markdown.

Also, from now on MadelineProto will support only PHP 8.1+, in preparation for the switch to Amp v3 in December.

I recommend everyone start migrating their codebases to PHP 8.1:

Tip: you can use to scan your code for PHP 8.1 incompatibilities!

Mainly, you should just remove PossiblyNullArgument and NullArgument errors to support PHP 8.1!

You can also use to detect hundreds of other bugs and security issues in your code: to do so, install psalm and MadelineProto via composer, and scan your project!

I'm a collaborator in the repo, and I've recently contributed a large pull request to Psalm, introducing full type immutability, for even faster scans and eliminating a whole class of bugs, try it out by using the dev-master composer tag of Psalm!

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