github daneren2005/Subsonic 4.7.2

latest releases: 5.5.3, 5.5.2R2, 5.5.2...
10 years ago

Android Wear notification support
Selected drawer tab is now bold
Scroll to song when clicked in search results
Custom sort is now a toggle between sorting by year and alphabetical
For persistent notification, use standard notification layout + x in corner
Don't display type information for each song
Properly save songs for use with external players
Always try to refresh user settings on first run of the app
Play notification has high priority, sync has low
Return fast scrolling hack for devices still on Android 4.4.2
Trigger UI update immediately on fragment change (get rids of awkward delay)
Don't allow change of password if user does not have settingsRole
Move settings around a bit
Change default theme to light
Close drawer if open when pressing back
Use system default for background highlight color
Fix for threads exiting from pool
Fix for switching currentPlaying not stopping the old download
Fix clearing currentPlaying also stopping background download
Fix calls not keeping the notification going
Fix song being cleared and redownloaded in some circumstances
Fix playlists using infinite list adapter when using small album art
Fix no scrobbling when on mobile and have wifi streaming checked
Fix drawer selection not sticking when going to DownloadActivity
Fix brief delay between opening drawer first time and showing selection
Fix lag with large set of albums and no songs displayed
Fix moving into repeat song mode playing both at the same time

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