github dagu-org/dagu v1.15.0

latest release: v1.15.1
16 days ago

What's Changed

New Features

Remote Node support

Dagu now supports managing multiple Dagu servers from a single UI through its remote node feature. This allows you to:

  • Monitor and manage DAGs across different environments (dev, staging, prod)
  • Access multiple Dagu instances from a centralized UI
  • Switch between nodes easily through the UI dropdown
  • See Remote Node Configuration for more details.

Remote nodes can be configured by creating admin.yaml in $HOME/.config/dagu/:

# admin.yaml
    - name: "prod" # Name of the remote node
      apiBaseUrl: "" # Base URL of the remote node API
    - name: "staging"
      apiBaseUrl: ""

Timezone config in schedule

You can specify a cron expression to run within a specific timezone.

schedule: "CRON_TZ=Asia/Tokyo 5 9 * * *" # Run at 09:05 in Tokyo
  - name: scheduled job


skipIfSuccessful. When set to true, Dagu will automatically check the last successful run time against the defined schedule. If the DAG has already run successfully since the last scheduled time, the current run will be skipped.

schedule: "0 */4 * * *"   # Run every 4 hours
skipIfSuccessful: true    # Skip if already succeeded since last schedule (e.g., manually triggered)
  - name: resource-intensive-job

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.14.8...v1.15.0

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