github dagster-io/dagster 1.7.9
1.7.9 (core) / 0.23.9 (libraries)

latest release: 1.7.10
11 days ago


  • Dagster will now display a “storage kind” tag on assets in the UI, similar to the existing compute kind. To set storage kind for an asset, set its dagster/storage_kind tag.
  • You can now set retry policy on dbt assets, to enable coarse-grained retries with delay and jitter. For fine-grained partial retries, we still recommend invoking dbt retry within a try/except block to avoid unnecessary, duplicate work.
  • AssetExecutionContext now exposes a has_partition_key_range property.
  • The owners, metadata, tags, and deps properties on AssetSpec are no longer Optional. The AssetSpec constructor still accepts None values, which are coerced to empty collections of the relevant type.
  • The docker_executor and k8s_job_executor now consider at most 1000 events at a time when loading events from the current run to determine which steps should be launched. This value can be tuned by setting the DAGSTER_EXECUTOR_POP_EVENTS_LIMIT environment variable in the run process.
  • Added a dagster/retry_on_asset_or_op_failure tag that can be added to jobs to override run retry behavior for runs of specific jobs. See the docs for more information.
  • Improved the sensor produced by build_sensor_for_freshness_checks to describe when/why it skips evaluating freshness checks.
  • A new “Runs” tab on the backfill details page allows you to see list and timeline views of the runs launched by the backfill.
  • [dagster-dbt] dbt will now attach relation identifier metadata to asset materializations to indicate where the built model is materialized to.
  • [dagster-graphql] The GraphQL Python client will now include the HTTP error code in the exception when a query fails. Thanks @yuvalgimmunai!


  • Fixed sensor logging behavior with the @multi_asset_sensor.
  • ScheduleDefinition now properly supports being passed a RunConfig object.
  • When an asset function returns a MaterializeResult, but the function has no type annotation, previously, the IO manager would still be invoked with a None value. Now, the IO manager is not invoked.
  • The AssetSpec constructor now raises an error if an invalid owner string is passed to it.
  • When using the graph_multi_asset decorator, the code_version property on AssetOuts passed in used to be ignored. Now, they no longer are.
  • [dagster-deltalake] Fixed GcsConfig import error and type error for partitioned assets (Thanks @thmswt)
  • The asset graph and asset catalog now show the materialization status of External assets (when manually reported) rather than showing “Never observed”


  • The External Assets REST APIs now have their own reference page
  • Added details, updated copy, and improved formatting to External Assets REST APIs

Dagster Plus

  • The ability to set a custom base deployment when creating a branch deployment has been enabled for all organizations.
  • When a code location fails to deploy, the Kubernetes agent now includes additional any warning messages from the underlying replicaset in the failure message to aid with troubleshooting.
  • Serverless deployments now support using a requirements.txt with hashes.
  • Fixed an issue where the dagster-cloud job launch command did not support specifying asset keys with prefixes in the --asset-key argument.
  • [catalog UI] Catalog search now allows filtering by type, i.e. group:, code location:, tag:, owner:.
  • New dagster+ accounts will now start with two default alert policies; one to alert if the default free credit budget for your plan is exceeded, and one to alert if a single run goes over 24 hours. These alerts will be sent as emails to the email with which the account was initially created.

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