github dagster-io/dagster 1.3.0
1.3.0 (core) / 0.19.0 (libraries) "Smooth Operator"

latest releases: 1.8.7, 1.8.6, 1.8.5...
17 months ago

Major Changes since 1.2.0 (core) / 0.18.0 (libraries)


  • Auto-materialize policies replace the asset reconciliation sensor - We significantly renovated the APIs used for specifying which assets are scheduled declaratively. Compared to build_asset_reconciliation_sensors , AutoMaterializePolicys work across code locations, as well as allow you to customize the conditions under which each asset is auto-materialized. [docs]
  • Asset backfill page - A new page in the UI for monitoring asset backfills shows the progress of each asset in the backfill.
  • Clearer labels for tracking changes to data and code - Instead of the opaque “stale” indicator, Dagster’s UI now indicates whether code, upstream data, or dependencies have changed. When assets are in violation of their FreshnessPolicys, Dagster’s UI now marks them as “overdue” instead of “late”.
  • Auto-materialization and observable source assets - Assets downstream of an observable source asset now use the source asset observations to determine whether upstream data has changed and assets need to be materialized.
  • Pythonic Config and Resources - The set of APIs introduced in 1.2 is no longer experimental [community memo]. Examples, integrations, and documentation have largely ported to the new APIs. Existing resources and config APIs will continue to be supported for the foreseeable future. Check out migration guide to learn how to incrementally adopt the new APIs.


  • Improved run concurrency docs - You asked (in support), and we answered! This new guide is a one-stop-shop for understanding and implementing run concurrency, whether you’re on Dagster Cloud or deploying to your own infrastructure.
  • Additions to the Intro to Assets tutorial - We’ve added two new sections to the assets tutorial, focused on scheduling and I/O. While we’re close to wrapping things up for the tutorial revamp, we still have a few topics to cover - stay tuned!
  • New guide about building machine learning pipelines - Many of our users learn best by example - this guide is one way we’re expanding our library of examples. In this guide, we walk you through building a simple machine learning pipeline using Dagster.
  • Re-organized Dagster Cloud docs - We overhauled how the Dagster Cloud docs are organized, bringing them more in line with the UI.

Since 1.2.7 (core) / 0.18.7 (libraries)


  • Long-running runs can now be terminated after going over a set runtime. See the run termination docs to learn more.
  • Adds a performance improvement to partition status caching for multi-partitioned assets containing a time dimension.
  • [ui] Asset groups are now included in global search.
  • [ui] Assets in the asset catalog have richer status information that matches what is displayed on the asset graph.
  • [dagster-aws] New AthenaClientResource, ECRPublicResource, RedshiftClientResource, S3Resource, S3FileManagerResource, ConfigurablePickledObjectS3IOManager, SecretsManagerResource follow Pythonic resource system. The existing APIs remain supported.
  • [dagster-datadog] New DatadogResource follows Pythonic resource system. The existing datadog_resource remains supported.
  • [dagster-ge] New GEContextResource follows Pythonic resource system. The existing ge_context_resource remains supported.
  • [dagster-github] New GithubResource follows Pythonic resource system. The existing github_resource remains supported.
  • [dagster-msteams] New MSTeamsResource follows Pythonic resource system. The existing msteams_resource remains supported.
  • [dagster-slack] New SlackResource follows Pythonic resource system. The existing slack_resource remains supported.


  • Fixed an issue where using pdb.set_trace no longer worked when running Dagster locally using dagster dev or dagit.
  • Fixed a regression where passing custom metadata on @asset or Out caused an error to be thrown.
  • Fixed a regression where certain states of the asset graph would cause GQL errors.
  • [ui] Fixed a bug where assets downstream of source assets would sometimes incorrectly display a “New data” (previously “stale”) tag for assets with materializations generated from ops (as opposed to SDA materializations).
  • [ui] Fixed a bug where URLs for code locations named pipelines or jobs could lead to blank pages.
  • [ui] When configuring a partition-mapped asset backfill, helpful context no longer appears nested within the “warnings” section
  • [ui] For observable source assets,the asset sidebar now shows a “latest observation” instead of a “latest materialization”

Breaking Changes

  • By default, resources defined on Definitions are now automatically bound to jobs. This will only result in a change in behavior if you a) have a job with no "io_manager" defined in its resource_defs and b) have supplied an IOManager with key "io_manager" to the resource_defs argument of your Definitions. Prior to 1.3.0, this would result in the job using the default filesystem-based IOManager for the key "io_manager". In 1.3.0, this will result in the "io_manager" supplied to your Definitions being used instead. The BindResourcesToJobs wrapper, introduced in 1.2 to simulate this behavior, no longer has any effect.
  • [dagster-celery-k8s] The default kubernetes namespace for run pods when using the Dagster Helm chart with the CeleryK8sRunLauncher is now the same namespace as the Helm chart, instead of the default namespace. To restore the previous behavior, you can set the celeryK8sRunLauncher.jobNamespace field to the string default.
  • [dagster-snowflake-pandas] Due to a longstanding issue storing Pandas Timestamps in Snowflake tables, the SnowflakePandasIOManager has historically converted all timestamp data to strings before storing it in Snowflake. Now, it will instead ensure that timestamp data has a timezone, and if not, attach the UTC timezone. This allows the timestamp data to be stored as timestamps in Snowflake. If you have been storing timestamp data using the SnowflakePandasIOManager you can set the store_timestamps_as_strings=True configuration to continue storing timestamps as strings. For more information, and instructions for migrating Snowflake tables to use timestamp types, see the Migration Guide.

Changes to experimental APIs

  • Pythonic Resources and Config
    • Enabled passing RunConfig to many APIs which previously would only accept a config dictionary.
    • Enabled passing raw Python objects as resources to many APIs which previously would only accept ResourceDefinition.
    • Added the ability to pass execution config when constructing a RunConfig object.
    • Introduced more clear error messages when trying to mutate state on a Pythonic config or resource object.
    • Improved direct invocation experience for assets, ops, schedules and sensors using Pythonic config and resources. Config and resources can now be passed directly as args or kwargs.
  • The minutes_late and previous_minutes_late properties on the experimental FreshnesPolicySensorContext have been renamed to minutes_overdue and previous_minutes_overdue, respectively.

Removal of deprecated APIs

  • [previously deprecated, 0.15.0] metadata_entries arguments to event constructors have been removed. While MetadataEntry still exists and will only be removed in 2.0, it is no longer passable to any Dagster public API — users should always pass a dictionary of metadata values instead.


  • Adds a performance improvement to the multi-asset sensor context’s latest_materialization_records_by_key function.


  • The Google BigQuery tutorial and reference pages have been updated to use the new BigQueryPandasIOManager and BigQueryPySparkIOManager.
  • The Snowflake tutorial and reference pages have been updated to use the new SnowflakePandasIOManager and SnowflakePySparkIOManager.

Dagster Cloud

  • Previously, when deprovisioning an agent, code location servers were cleaned up in serial. Now, they’re cleaned up in parallel.

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