github dagster-io/dagster 1.10.5
1.10.5 (core) / 0.26.5 (libraries)

20 hours ago


  • async def yield_for_execution is now supported on ConfigurableResource. An event_loop argument has been added to context builders to support direct execution.
  • dagster dev deduplicates stacktraces when code locations fail to load, and will by default truncate them to highlight only user code frames.
  • Improved error message experience for resources expecting an env var which was not provided.
  • [ui] An updated asset selection syntax is now available in the asset graph, insights, and alerts. The new syntax allows combining logical operators, lineage operators, and attribute filters.
  • [dagster-polars] The minimal compatible deltalake version has been bumped to 0.25.0; the PolarsDeltaIOManager is now using the rust engine for writing DeltaLake tables by default.


  • Fixed a bug with AutomationCondition.replace() that would cause it to not effect AutomationCondition.since() conditions.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause invalid circular dependency errors when using asset checks with additional dependencies.
  • Fixed an issue in Dagster OSS where failed runs of multiple partitions didn't update those partitions as failed in the Dagster UI or trigger failure automation conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where dagster dev would fail to load code that took more than 45 seconds to import unless the --use-legacy-code-server-behavior flag was used.
  • [dagster-airbyte] Fixed an issue that caused the group name of assets created using build_airbyte_assets_definitions function to error when attempting to modify the default group name.
  • [dagster-fivetran] Fixed an issue that caused the group name of assets created using build_fivetran_assets_definitions function to error when attempting to modify the default group name.

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