github dagster-io/dagster 1.10.4
1.10.4 (core) / 0.26.4 (libraries)

3 days ago


  • [ui] The asset overview tab for a partitioned asset now shows metadata and schema of the most recent materialization, not today's partition.
  • [ui] In run logs, asset materialization and observation events now show the output partition as well as the asset key.
  • [ui] The backfills view has moved to Runs > Backfills and is no longer available on the Overview tab.
  • [ui] Pool event information from a run now links to the pool configuration page.
  • Added support for passing tags to the created RunRequest when using build_sensor_for_freshness_checks().
  • [dagster-gcp] The PickledObjectGCSIOManager now replaces the underlying blob when the same asset is materialized multiple times, instead of deleting and then re-uploading the blob.
  • [docs] Added docs covering run-scoped op concurrency.
  • [dagster-fivetran] Fivetran connectors fetched in Dagster can now be filtered and selected using the ConnectorSelectorFn.


  • Fixed a bug where if a run was deleted while the re-execution system was determining whether the run should be retried an error was raised. Now, if a run is deleted while the re-execution system is determining whether the run should be retried, the run will not be retried.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue where assets with automation conditions wouldn't show the jobs/sensors/schedules targeting them.
  • [ui] Steps properly transition to failed in the Run gantt chart when resource initialization fails.

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