github dagster-io/dagster 1.1.4
1.1.4 (core) / 0.17.4 (libraries) - 2022-12-01

latest releases: dagster-tableau/v0.0.2, 1.8.10, dagster-sigma/v0.0.11...
22 months ago

Community Contributions

  • Fixed a typo in GCSComputeLogManager docstring (thanks reidab)!
  • [dagster-airbyte] job cancellation on run termination is now optional. (Thanks adam-bloom)!
  • [dagster-snowflake] Can now specify snowflake role in config to snowflake io manager (Thanks binhnefits)!
  • [dagster-aws] A new AWS systems manager resource (thanks zyd14)!
  • [dagstermill] Retry policy can now be set on dagstermill assets (thanks nickvazz)!
  • Corrected typo in docs on metadata (thanks C0DK)!


  • Added a job_name parameter to InputContext.
  • Fixed inconsistent io manager behavior when using execute_in_process on a GraphDefinition (it would use the fs_io_manager instead of the in-memory io manager).
  • Compute logs will now load in Dagit even when websocket connections are not supported.
  • [dagit] A handful of changes have been made to our URLs:
    • The /instance URL path prefix has been removed. E.g. /instance/runs can now be found at /runs.
    • The /workspace URL path prefix has been changed to /locations. E.g. the URL for job my_job in repository foo@bar can now be found at /locations/foo@bar/jobs/my_job.
  • [dagit] The “Workspace” navigation item in the top nav has been moved to be a tab under the “Deployment” section of the app, and is renamed to “Definitions”.
  • [dagstermill] Dagster events can now be yielded from asset notebooks using dagstermill.yield_event.
  • [dagstermill] Failed notebooks can be saved for inspection and debugging using the new save_on_notebook_failure parameter.
  • [dagster-airflow] Added a new option use_ephemeral_airflow_db which will create a job run scoped airflow db for airflow dags running in dagster
  • [dagster-dbt] Materializing software-defined assets using dbt Cloud jobs now supports partitions.
  • [dagster-dbt] Materializing software-defined assets using dbt Cloud jobs now supports subsetting. Individual dbt Cloud models can be materialized, and the proper filters will be passed down to the dbt Cloud job.
  • [dagster-dbt] Software-defined assets from dbt Cloud jobs now support configurable group names.
  • [dagster-dbt] Software-defined assets from dbt Cloud jobs now support configurable AssetKeys.


  • Fixed regression starting in 1.0.16 for some compute log managers where an exception in the compute log manager setup/teardown would cause runs to fail.
  • The S3 / GCS / Azure compute log managers now sanitize the optional prefix argument to prevent badly constructed paths.
  • [dagit] The run filter typeahead no longer surfaces key-value pairs when searching for tag:. This resolves an issue where retrieving the available tags could cause significant performance problems. Tags can still be searched with freeform text, and by adding them via click on individual run rows.
  • [dagit] Fixed an issue in the Runs tab for job snapshots, where the query would fail and no runs were shown.
  • [dagit] Schedules defined with cron unions displayed “Invalid cron string” in Dagit. This has been resolved, and human-readable versions of all members of the union will now be shown.

Breaking Changes

  • You can no longer set an output’s asset key by overriding get_output_asset_key on the IOManager handling the output. Previously, this was experimental and undocumented.


  • Sensor and schedule evaluation contexts now have an experimental log property, which log events that can later be viewed in Dagit. To enable these log views in dagit, navigate to the user settings and enable the Experimental schedule/sensor logging view option. Log links will now be available for sensor/schedule ticks where logs were emitted. Note: this feature is not available for users using the NoOpComputeLogManager.

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