github dagster-io/dagster 1.1.3
1.1.3 (core) / 0.17.3 (libraries) - 2022-11-22

latest releases: 1.9.1, dagster-powerbi/v0.25.1rc1, dagster-looker/v0.24.14rc9...
23 months ago


  • Fixed a bug with the asset reconciliation sensor that caused duplicate runs to be submitted in situations where an asset has a different partitioning than its parents.
  • Fixed a bug with the asset reconciliation sensor that caused it to error on time-partitioned assets.
  • [dagster-snowflake] Fixed a bug when materializing partitions with the Snowflake I/O manager where sql BETWEEN was used to determine the section of the table to replace. BETWEEN included values from the next partition causing the I/O manager to erroneously delete those entries.
  • [dagster-duckdb] Fixed a bug when materializing partitions with the DuckDB I/O manager where sql BETWEEN was used to determine the section of the table to replace. BETWEEN included values from the next partition causing the I/O manager to erroneously delete those entries.

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