github dagster-io/dagster 1.1.13
1.1.13 (core) / 0.17.13 (libraries)

latest releases: 1.7.9, 1.7.9rc0, 1.7.8...
16 months ago


  • The nux section of dagster.yaml config has been fixed.
  • Changes when heartbeats occur in the daemon to avoid crashes in certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where passing a workspace file as an argument into the dagster dev command raised an error
  • [dagit] Fixes an issue with asset names being truncated by long asset descriptions in the asset catalog, making them impossible to click.
  • [dagit] The backfill page no longer fails to load if any of the asset backfills had assets that were partitioned at the time of the backfill but are no longer partitioned.

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