github dagster-io/dagster 1.0.4

latest releases: 1.7.8, 1.7.7, 1.7.6...
21 months ago


  • Assets can now be materialized to storage conditionally by setting output_required=False. If this is set and no result is yielded from the asset, Dagster will not create an asset materialization event, the I/O manager will not be invoked, downstream assets will not be materialized, and asset sensors monitoring the asset will not trigger.
  • JobDefinition.run_request_for_partition can now be used inside sensors that target multiple jobs (Thanks Metin Senturk!)
  • The environment variable DAGSTER_GRPC_TIMEOUT_SECONDS now allows for overriding the default timeout for communications between host processes like dagit and the daemon and user code servers.
  • Import time for the dagster module has been reduced, by approximately 50% in initial measurements.
  • AssetIn now accepts a dagster_type argument, for specifying runtime checks on asset input values.
  • [dagit] The column names on the Activity tab of the asset details page no longer reference the legacy term “Pipeline”.
  • [dagster-snowflake] The execute_query method of the snowflake resource now accepts a use_pandas_result argument, which fetches the result of the query as a Pandas dataframe. (Thanks @swotai!)
  • [dagster-shell] Made the execute and execute_script_file utilities in dagster_shell part of the public API (Thanks Fahad Khan!)
  • [dagster-dbt] load_assets_from_dbt_project and load_assets_from_dbt_manifest now support the exclude parameter. (Thanks @flvndh!)


  • [dagit] Removed the x-frame-options response header from Dagit, allowing the Dagit UI to be rendered in an iframe.
  • [fully-featured project example] Fixed the duckdb IO manager so the comment_stories step can load data successfully.
  • [dagster-dbt] Previously, if a select parameter was configured on the dbt_cli_resource, it would not be passed into invocations of (and other similar commands). This has been fixed.
  • [dagster-ge] An incompatibility between dagster_ge_validation_factory and dagster 1.0 has been fixed.
  • [dagstermill] Previously, updated arguments and properties to DagstermillExecutionContext were not exposed. This has since been fixed.


  • The integrations page on the docs site now has a section for links to community-hosted integrations. The first linked integration is @silentsokolov’s Vault integration.

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