github dagster-io/dagster 1.0.11
1.0.11 (core) / 0.16.11 (libraries) - 2022-09-29

latest releases: 1.7.10, 1.7.9, 1.7.9rc0...
21 months ago


  • RepositoryDefinition now exposes a load_asset_value method, which accepts an asset key and invokes the asset’s I/O manager’s load_input function to load the asset as a Python object. This can be used in notebooks to do exploratory data analysis on assets.
  • Methods to fetch a list of partition keys from an input/output PartitionKeyRange now exist on the op execution context and input/output context.
  • [dagit] On the Instance Overview page, batched runs in the run timeline view will now proportionally reflect the status of the runs in the batch instead of reducing all run statuses to a single color.
  • [dagster-dbt] [dagster-snowflake] You can now use the Snowflake IO manager with dbt assets, which allows them to be loaded from Snowflake into Pandas DataFrames in downstream steps.
  • The dagster package’s pin of the alembic package is now much less restrictive.


  • The sensor daemon when using threads will no longer evaluate the next tick for a sensor if the previous one is still in flight. This resolves a memory leak in the daemon process.
  • The scheduler will no longer remove tracked state for automatically running schedules when they are absent due to a workspace load error.
  • The way user code severs manage repository definitions has been changed to more efficiently serve requests.
  • The @multi_asset decorator now respects its config_schema parameter.
  • [dagit] Config supplied to define_asset_job is now prefilled in the modal that pops up when you click the Materialize button on an asset job page, so you can quickly adjust the defaults.
  • [dagster-dbt] Previously, DagsterDbtCliErrors produced from the dagster-dbt library would contain large serialized objects representing the raw unparsed logs from the relevant cli command. Now, these messages will contain only the parsed version of these messages.
  • Fixed an issue where the deploy_ecs example didn’t work when built and deployed on an M1 Mac.

Community Contributions

  • [dagster-fivetran] The resync_parameters configuration on the fivetran_resync_op is now optional, enabling triggering historical re*syncs for connectors. Thanks @dwallace0723!


  • Improved API documentation for the Snowflake resource.

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