- Added IO manager for materializing assets to GCS. You can specify the GCS asset IO manager by using the following config for
from dagster import AssetGroup, gcs_pickle_asset_io_manager, gcs_resource
asset_group = AssetGroup(
[upstream_asset, downstream_asset],
resource_defs={"io_manager": gcs_pickle_asset_io_manager, "gcs": gcs_resource}
- Improved the performance of storage queries run by the sensor daemon to enforce the idempotency of run keys. This should reduce the database CPU when evaluating sensors with a large volume of run requests with run keys that repeat across evaluations.
- [dagit] Added information on sensor ticks to show when a sensor has requested runs that did not result in the creation of a new run due to the enforcement of idempotency using run keys.
- [k8s] Run and step workers are now labeled with the Dagster run id that they are currently handling.
- If a step launched with a StepLauncher encounters an exception, that exception / stack trace will now appear in the event log.
- Fixed a race condition where canceled backfills would resume under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue where exceptions that were raised during sensor and schedule execution didn’t always show a stack trace in Dagit.
- During execution, dependencies will now resolve correctly for certain dynamic graph structures that were previously resolving incorrectly.
- When using the forkserver start_method on the multiprocess executor, preload_modules have been adjusted to prevent libraries that change namedtuple serialization from causing unexpected exceptions.
- Fixed a naming collision between dagster decorators and submodules that sometimes interfered with static type checkers (e.g. pyright).
- [dagit] postgres database connection management has improved when watching actively executing runs
- [dagster-databricks] The databricks_pyspark_step_launcher now supports steps with RetryPolicies defined, as well as
Community Contributions
- Docs spelling fixes - thanks @antquinonez!