github dagster-io/dagster 0.14.2

latest releases: 1.7.12, 1.7.11, 1.7.10...
2 years ago


  • Run status sensors can now be invoked in unit tests. Added build_run_sensor_status_context to help build context objects for run status sensors


  • An issue preventing the use of default_value on inputs has been resolved. Previously, a defensive error that did not take default_value in to account was thrown.
  • [dagster-aws] Fixed issue where re-emitting log records from the pyspark_step_launcher would occasionally cause a failure.
  • [dagit] The asset catalog now displays entries for materialized assets when only a subset of repositories were selected. Previously, it only showed the software-defined assets unless all repositories were selected in Dagit.

Community Contributions

  • Fixed an invariant check in the databricks step launcher that was causing failures when setting the local_dagster_job_package_path config option (Thanks Iswariya Manivannan!)


  • Fixed the example code in the reconstructable API docs.

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