github dagster-io/dagster 0.12.3

latest releases: 1.7.3, 1.7.2rc4, 1.7.2rc3...
2 years ago



  • The Dagit web app now has a strict Content Security Policy.
  • Introduced a new decorator @run_status_sensor which defines sensors that react to a given PipelineRunStatus.
  • You can now specify a solid on build_hook_context. This allows you to access the hook_context.solid parameter.


  • dagster’s dependency on docstring-parser has been loosened.
  • @pipeline now pulls its description from the doc string on the decorated function if it is provided.
  • The sensor example generated via dagster new-project now no longer targets a non-existent mode.

Community Contributions


  • The “jobs” key is now supported when returning a dict from @repository functions.
  • GraphDefinition.to_job now supports the description argument.
  • Jobs with nested Graph structures no longer fail to load in dagit.
  • Previously, the ECS reference deployment granted its tasks the AmazonECS_FullAccess policy. Now, the attached roles has been more narrowly scoped to only allow the daemon and dagit tasks to interact with the ECS actions required by the EcsRunLauncher.
  • The EcsRunLauncher launches ECS tasks by setting a command override. Previously, if the Task Definition it was using also defined an entrypoint, it would concatenate the entrypoint and the overridden command which would cause launches to fail with Error: Got unexpected extra arguments. Now, it ignores the entrypoint and launches succeed.


  • Fixed a broken link in the sensor testing overview.

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