github dagster-io/dagster 0.12.2

latest releases: dagster-components/v0.1.7, 1.9.6, dagster-components/v0.1.6...
3 years ago



  • Improved Asset catalog load times in Dagit, for Dagster instances that have fully migrated using dagster instance migrate.
  • When using the ScheduleDefinition constructor to instantiate a schedule definition, if a schedule name is not provided, the name of the schedule will now default to the pipeline name, plus “_schedule”, instead of raising an error.


  • Fixed a bug where pipeline definition arguments description and solid_retry_policy were getting dropped when using a solid_hook decorator on a pipeline definition (#4355).
  • Fixed an issue where the Dagit frontend wasn’t disabling certain UI elements when launched in read-only mode.
  • Fixed a bug where directly invoking an async solid with type annotations would fail, if called from another async function.


  • Added a guide to migrating from the existing Pipeline, Mode, Preset, and Solid APIs to the new experimental Graph, Job, and Op APIs. Check out the guide here!

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