github dagster-io/dagster 0.12.10

latest releases: 1.7.12, 1.7.11, 1.7.10...
2 years ago

Community Contributions

  • [helm] The KubernetesRunLauncher image pull policy is now configurable in a separate field (thanks @yamrzou!).
  • The dagster-github package is now usable for GitHub Enterprise users (thanks @metinsenturk!) A hostname can now be provided via config to the dagster-github resource with the key github_hostname:
      github_pipeline, {'resources': {'github': {'config': {
           "github_app_id": os.getenv('GITHUB_APP_ID'),
           "github_app_private_rsa_key": os.getenv('GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY'),
           "github_installation_id": os.getenv('GITHUB_INSTALLATION_ID'),
           "github_hostname": os.getenv('GITHUB_HOSTNAME'),


  • Added a database index over the event log to improve the performance of pipeline_failure_sensor and run_status_sensor queries. To take advantage of these performance gains, run a schema migration with the CLI command: dagster instance migrate.


  • Performance improvements have been made to allow dagit to more gracefully load a run that has a large number of events.
  • Fixed an issue where DockerRunLauncher would raise an exception when no networks were specified in its configuration.

Breaking Changes

  • dagster-slack has migrated off of deprecated slackclient (deprecated) and now uses [slack_sdk](


  • OpDefinition, the replacement for SolidDefinition which is the type produced by the @op decorator, is now part of the public API.
  • The daily_partitioned_config, hourly_partitioned_config, weekly_partitioned_config, and monthly_partitioned_config now accept an end_offset parameter, which allows extending the set of partitions so that the last partition ends after the current time.

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