github dagster-io/dagster 0.10.8

latest releases: 1.7.4, 1.7.3, 1.7.2rc4...
3 years ago

Community Contributions

  • [dagster-dbt] The dbt commands seed and docs generate are now available as solids in the
    library dagster-dbt. (thanks @dehume-drizly!)


  • Dagit now has a global search feature in the left navigation, allowing you to jump quickly to
    pipelines, schedules, and sensors across your workspace. You can trigger search by clicking the
    search input or with the / keyboard shortcut.

  • Timestamps in Dagit have been updated to be more consistent throughout the app, and are now
    localized based on your browser’s settings.

  • Adding SQLPollingEventWatcher for alternatives to filesystem or DB-specific listen/notify

  • We have added the BoolSource config type (similar to the StringSource type). The config value for
    this type can be a boolean literal or a pointer to an environment variable that is set to a boolean

  • The QueuedRunCoordinator daemon is now more resilient to errors while dequeuing runs. Previously
    runs which could not launch would block the queue. They will now be marked as failed and removed
    from the queue.

  • When deploying your own gRPC server for your pipelines, you can now specify that connecting to that
    server should use a secure SSL connection. For example, the following workspace.yaml file specifies
    that a secure connection should be used:

      - grpc_server:
          host: localhost
          port: 4266
          location_name: 'my_grpc_server'
          ssl: true
  • The dagster-daemon process uses fewer resources and spins up fewer subprocesses to load pipeline
    information. Previously, the scheduler, sensor, and run queue daemon each spun up their own process
    for this–now they share a single process.


  • [Helm] - All images used in our Helm chart are now fully qualified, including a registry name.
    If you are encountering rate limits when attempting to pull images from DockerHub, you can now
    edit the Helm chart to pull from a registry of your choice.
  • [Helm] - We now officially use Helm 3 to manage our Dagster Helm chart.
  • [ECR] - We are now publishing the dagster-k8s, dagster-celery-k8s, user-code-example, and
    k8s-dagit-example images to a public ECR registry in addition to DockerHub. If you are
    encountering rate limits when attempting to pull images from DockerHub, you should now be able to
    pull these images from
  • [dagster-spark] - The dagster-spark config schemas now support loading values for all fields via
    environment variables.


  • Fixed a bug in the helm chart that would cause a Redis Kubernetes pod to be created even when an
    external Redis is configured. Now, the Redis Kubernetes pod is only created when redis.internal
    is set to True in helm chart.
  • Fixed an issue where the dagster-daemon process sometimes left dangling subprocesses running
    during sensor execution, causing excess resource usage.
  • Fixed an issue where Dagster sometimes left hanging threads running after pipeline execution.
  • Fixed an issue where the sensor daemon would mistakenly mark itself as in an unhealthy state even
    after recovering from an error.
  • Tags applied to solid invocations using the tag method on solid invocations (as opposed to solid
    definitions) are now correctly propagated during execution. They were previously being ignored.


  • MySQL (via dagster-mysql) is now supported as a backend for event log, run, & schedule storages.
    Add the following to your dagster.yaml to use MySQL for storage:

      module: dagster_mysql.run_storage
      class: MySQLRunStorage
          username: { username }
          password: { password }
          hostname: { hostname }
          db_name: { database }
          port: { port }
      module: dagster_mysql.event_log
      class: MySQLEventLogStorage
          username: { username }
          password: { password }
          hostname: { hostname }
          db_name: { db_name }
          port: { port }
      module: dagster_mysql.schedule_storage
      class: MySQLScheduleStorage
          username: { username }
          password: { password }
          hostname: { hostname }
          db_name: { db_name }
          port: { port }

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