github dacort/metabase-athena-driver v0.3.0
v0.3.0 - Fix for Metabase v0.34.0

latest releases: v1.5.1, v1.5.0, v1.4.0...
pre-release4 years ago

Metabase 0.34 was released recently with bunch of timezone-related fixes! Unfortunately, it also deprecated a few things requiring re-working the driver a little bit. This release addresses those issues. Thanks to @skuroq and @kiansiong for catching and reporting(!) this. 🙏

On the plus side, the driver now has a basic set of tests! Check out test/metabase/driver/athena_test.clj for more details. 🙌

Please note: This driver is only compatible with Metabase v0.34.0 and up. Releases prior to that should use v0.2.1.

Install it by downloading athena.metabase-driver.jar to a plugins/ folder wherever you are running Metabase from. Happy queries!

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