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ImageGlass Moon 9.0 RC 🌝

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pre-release11 months ago

ImageGlass 9.0 RC


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🎐 Requirements

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📝 Changelog:

ImageGlass 9.0 RC is the continuation of the version 9.0 beta 5,
you should read the previous changelog here:

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🟣 Breaking changes

  • Changed default hotkey for:
    • Gallery (from H to G)
    • Go to (from G to F)
  • Renamed setting AllFormats to FileFormats, SinglePageFormats to SingleFrameFormats
    • Remove the wildcard from the format
      • Before: "AllFormats": "*.jpg;*.png"
      • After: "FileFormats": ".jpg;.png"
      • This also applies for commands igcmd.exe set-default-viewer <formats> and igcmd.exe remove-default-viewer <formats>
  • Renamed setting ToolbarItems to ToolbarButtons
  • Renamed setting InfoItems to ImageInfoTags
  • Renamed the Arguments of Tools setting to Argument
  • Changed the Arguments type of MouseClickActions, ToolbarButtons from string to string[] (string array)
  • Moved theme setting ShowTitlebarLogo to app setting ShowAppLogo

🟣 General changes

  • Upgraded Magick.NET to version 13.3.0
  • Added support for .NET 8, ARM64 (experiment #1000) build
  • Added new Color dialog that supports picking alpha value
  • Added feature: File > New window
  • Add setting DisabledMenus to disable menus of ImageGlass similar to v8
  • Add setting EnableDebug to launch ImageGlass in debug mode
  • Added .jxl into the list of non-animated formats by default, you can change it in the setting SingleFrameFormats
  • Added default actions for mouse clicks similar to v8
  • Added icon for toolbar button "Exit" (#1659 thanks to @xmha97)
  • Fixed a vulnerability occurring with WebP files (CVE-2023-4863) (#1655)
  • Fixed an issue where some formats are displayed with wrong orientation #1619
  • Fixed an issue where mouse click action is not executed when the ToggleOff is empty
  • Fixed an issue where Toolbar and Gallery background color are also updated when Backdrop style is None
  • Fixed an issue where the Exiting Full screen mode does not restore the previous window modes (Frameless, Window fit)
  • Fixed an issue where resetting the background in Settings > Appearance does not follow current theme background
  • Fixed an issue where app settings UI does not load due to incorrect path of Icons folder (#1630)
  • Fixed an issue when passing method name begins with IG_ causes error "Parameter count mismatch"
  • Fixed an issue where setting IsIntegrated = false cause the 2nd instance of external tool cannot be launched
  • Fixed an issue where pressing Alt+F4 does not close the window
  • Fixed an issue where ImageGlass cannot open some images (#1622)

🟣 Quick Setup dialog

  • A new Out-of-box experience wizard that replaces First-launch configurations of v8
  • Added 2 setting profiles: Standard user and Professional user
  • Added setting QuickSetupVersion, set a value greater than 9 will prevent the Quick Setup dialog from showing.

🟣 App Settings

  • Added new setting ShowAppIcon to toggle the ImageGlass icon on the title bar
  • Added UI for setting ImageInfoTags
  • Added UI for setting EditApps:
    • Allows to assign the editing app for multiple extensions:
      // in igconfig.json
      "EditApps": {
        // open .JPG and .PNG file with Photoshop
        ".jpg;.png": {
          "AppName": "Photoshop",
          "Executable": "path\\to\\photoshop.exe",
          "Argument": "<file>" // <file> is the current image path to pass to the 'Executable'
  • Added UI for setting ToolbarButtons:
    • Supports drag and drop to arrange the order of the buttons
    • Supports drag and drop to add a button
    • Adds "Reset to default" button
    • Adds and edits custom toolbar button in JSON format
    • Adds action buttons to move up/down, edit, delete the toolbar button
      • Only the custom toolbar button is editable
  • Added UI for File type associations setting:
    • Adds information for changing File extension icons
    • Adds information for Set/Remove default photo viewer
    • Adds UI for setting FileFormats
  • Added a "Get help" floating button for quickly accessing documentation
  • Improved UI for setting ZoomLevels:
    • Adds a checkbox Use smooth zooming
    • Adds a link button Load default zoom levels
  • Removed "ImageGlass" on the file type when registering it as the default photo viewer (#833)

🟣 Viewer component

  • Displays more details on the viewer when ImageGlass cannot open image file

🟣 Gallery component

  • Fixed an issue where thumbnail cache is always reset (#1647)
  • Fixed an issue where thumbnail cache size limit does not follow setting GalleryCacheSizeInMb (#1647)

🟣 ImageGlass Tools

  • Changed the tool config Arguments to Argument:
    // in igconfig.json
    "Tools": [
        "ToolId": "Tool_MyDemoApp", // a unique ID
        "ToolName": "My Demo app", // name of the tool
        "Executable": "path\\to\\the\\DemoApp.exe",
        "Argument": "<file>", // <file> is the current image path to pass to the 'Executable'
        "Hotkeys": ["X", "Ctrl+E"], // press X or Ctrl+E to toggle the tool
        "IsIntegrated": true|false // true: if the tool supports 'ImageGlass.Tools'

🟣 Other updates for ImageGlass 9.0 RC

🥒 Checksums:

File SHA-1 8670E00C18780AD46F31E5587702353E3F8535CD 2AE9FB5F94BE4A293A241FDD3C6D8E15A1504B33 0C3E0364C1213C77544B12ACC458D1835238D6FB
-- -- B71C540A5378994B6FEE789052E26C5C07C18B9D

Full Changelog:

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