github d2l-ai/d2l-en v0.14.0
Release v0.14.0

latest releases: v1.0.3, v1.0.0, v1.0.0-beta0...
3 years ago


We have added both PyTorch and TensorFlow implementations up to Chapter 7 (Modern CNNs).


  • We updated the text to be framework neutral, such as now we call ndarray as tensor.
  • Readers can click the tab in the HTML version to switch between frameworks, both colab button and discussion thread will change properly.
  • We changed the release process, will host the latest release (i.e. the release branch), instead of the contents from the master branch. We unified the version number of both text and the d2l package. That's why we jumped from v0.8 to v0.14.0
  • The notebook zip contains three folders, mxnet, pytorch and tensorflow (though we only build the PDF for mxnet yet).

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