github cvat-ai/cvat v2.24.0

one day ago


  • [CLI] Added new commands: project create, project delete, project ls (#8787)

  • [SDK] You can now use client.projects.remove_by_ids to remove multiple projects (#8787)

  • Support for boolean parameters in annotations actions (#8798)


  • Improved uniformity of validation frames distribution in honeypot tasks and random honeypot rerolls (#8776)

  • [CLI] Switched to a new subcommand hierarchy; now CLI subcommands have the form cvat-cli <resource> <action> (#8787)

  • [CLI] The output of the task create, task create-from-backup and project create commands is now just the created resource ID, making it machine-readable (#8833)

  • /api/events can now be used to receive events from several sources (#8799)


  • [CLI] All existing CLI commands of the form cvat-cli <action> are now deprecated. Use cvat-cli task <action> instead (#8787)


  • Automatic calculation of quality reports in tasks (#8790)


  • Uploading a skeleton template in configurator does not work (#8822)

  • Installation of YOLOv7 on GPU (#8824)

  • [Server API] Significantly improved preformance of honeypot changes in tasks (#8789)

  • [Server API] PATCH tasks/id/validation_layout responses now include correct disabled_frames and handle simultaneous updates of disabled_frames and honeypot frames correctly (#8789)

  • Fixed handling of tracks keyframes from deleted frames on export (#8834)

  • Exporting datasets could start significantly later than expected, both for 1 and several users in the same project/task/job (#8721)

  • Scheduled RQ jobs could not be restarted due to incorrect RQ job status updating and handling (#8721)

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