github custom-components/ble_monitor 1.0.2
1.0.2 - Qingping BLE adv support and MMC-T201-1 baby thermometer support

latest releases: 12.12.1, 12.12.0, 12.12.0-beta...
3 years ago

Changes in 1.0.2

  • Adds support for Xiaomi Miaomiaoce MMC-T201-1 Digital Baby Thermometer (read the disclaimer)
  • Adds support for Qingping CGP1W weather station
  • Adds support for Qingping CGG1 and CGD1 sensor without using an encrypting key (using the Qingping advertisements)
  • Fixes a small bug for the reset_timer in combination with MJYD02YL motion sensors.


The MMC-T201-1 sensor sends two temperatures in the BLE advertisements, that are converted to a body temperature with a certain algorithm in the original app. We tried to reverse engineering this relation, but we were only able to approximate the relation in the range of 36.5°C - 37.9°C at this moment. It has not been calibrated at elevated body temperature (e.g. if someone has a fever), so measurements displayed in Home Assistant might be different (wrong) compared to those reported in the app. It is therefore advised NOT to rely on the measurements in BLE monitor if you want to monitor your or other peoples body temperature / health). If you have additional measurements, especially outside the investigated range, please report them in this issue.

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