NOAA Reports can now be created as HTML
- Two sample templates are included for annual and monthly reports:
, andSampleHtmlTemplateMonth.htm
- The reports are generated from the "in-use" templates:
, andHtmlTemplateMonth.htm
- If you enable HTML reports and do not create custom "in-use" templates, the sample templates will be copied to "in-use" templates
- You can edit the "in-use" templates to alter the localisation, adjust formatting etc
- A new web tag
which returns"text"
- Changes to the default web site files to accommodate this:
- Two sample templates are included for annual and monthly reports:
Adds 24-hour snowfall accumulation totals
- The selected laser sensor accumulation is included in automated diary entries
- The accumulators reset at the defined snow recording hour
- The current values can be retrieved with new web tags
- Added to Display Settings and Extra Sensors dashboard pages
Add Snow Season
- Define start month in Station Settings | Common Options
- New web tags
Adds laser sensors to Display Settings, Locale Strings, and Extra Sensors dashboard pages
Adds laser depth calculation to the Extra Sensor settings. Use this with simple laser distance sensors to allow Cumulus to calculate a depth value. Note Ecowitt already provide this ability with their LDS01 sensors.
New version of MigrateData3to4 to now finds custom daily files correctly
Add File Ignore time to JSON station advanced settings
You can now embed web tags in both Standard Alarms and User Defined Alarm email messages
Custom MySQL Minutes queries are now processed during catch-up
New web tag for Vapour Pressure deficit
- Takes a parameter of
to calculate the VPD for outdoor (=0, default if ommitted), or any extra temp/humidity sensor (=1-8) - Returns the VPD in user pressure units
- The returned units can be changed using the standard
- Takes a parameter of
- Adds ability to the Ecowitt local HTTP API station to read historic data from the SD card
- Currently only supported by the GW3000 and WS6210
- Add NOAA report format (options.noaaFormat) to websitedataT.json
- Davis WLL checks for missed wind gusts in multicasts, now uses the "current" 2-minute gust value, and "back dates" it one minute in the recent wind data
- The latitude and longitude strings now use localised compass point directions (set in Locale strings)
- Switched from NRec.Logging.File to NLog for FTP logging
- FTP logging now creates separate log files for realtime and interval FTP activities
- Web tag
now returns"-"
if no value present, or whatever is specified bynv=
- Log file editors now scroll the data horizontally and vertically with a fixed header and fixed first two columns
- Change of name of the Ecowitt "TCP Local API" station to "Binary Local API (Legacy)" to reflect the status of the protocol
- Fix writing of the first Custom MySQL Minutes interval value to Cumulus.ini
- Ecowitt HTTP Local API station not mapping extra temperature to outdoor temperature correctly
- The web tag parser now accepts empty parameter values. eg.
- Web camera not appearing in Ecowitt Extra Sensor settings page
- Improve Ecowitt API Current data date/time detection - now defaults to query time if no data time found
- Fix "Regenerate all missing reports" not creating current year/month reports
- Ecowitt camera URLs not working when the station is configured as an Extra Station
- Web tag
now supports optionsrc
- 9am values not always rolling over correctly during "catch-up"
- Fix Monthly Log/Extra Monthly log viewers for 9am meteo day users
- Davis station: Fix for the 00:00 (or 09:00) rainfall being counted on both days during catch-up
- User Alarms not accepting "equals" type
- Fix Station Pressure calibration settings being read from the Pressure settings in Cumulus.ini
- Web tags
now accept the dp= and tc= web tag parameters - Changes to how MQTT connects and reconnects to the server
Package Updates
- Sixlabors.ImageSharp