Fix: Alarms being cleared after their defined latch time even if latching was disabled
Fix: Adds missing dew point calculation for GW1000 extra T/H sensors 1-8
Fix: Potential Object reference not set to an instance of an object fault on initial configuration [Goran Devic]
Fix: Failed connections to some SFTP servers - Renchi.SshNet library reverted to older version
Fix: Improved accessibility of the "Extra web files" page
Fix: Tweak to Sunshine hours counter reset logic (primarily for Imet stations during a power cycle)
Fix: Davis Console battery low threshold changed from 4.0 V to 3.5 V
Fix: Rework station rain counter reset logic. Cope with Davis station start-up on the first day of new rain season which is not January
New: More comprehensive support for the Ecowitt WH45 CO₂ sensor...
- Added to Extra Sensors page
- Added to Strings.ini
- Can be selected as the primary AQ sensor
- New web tags:
<#CO2-pm2p5>, <#CO2-pm2p5-24h>, <#CO2-pm10>, <#CO2-pm10-24h>, <#CO2-temp>, <#CO2-hum> - Added to ExtraLog file, columns for: CO2, CO2Avg, pm2.5, pm2.5Avg, pm10, pm10Avg, Temp, Hum
New: Improved GW-1000 device auto-discovery, after initial discovery or user input of the IP address it locks onto the MAC address for further changes in IP
If multiple potential devices are found they are now listed and the user must add the appropriate IP into the config and restart Cumulus.
Discovery is now run whenever a Data Stopped condition is detected (and periodically thereafter until the data resumes)
New Cumulus.ini setting:
MACAddress= -
New: Adds a browser cache time limit of 5 minutes to the Admin interface static files
New: NOAA reports settings now have an option to force "dot" decimal points, this overrides your locale setting
New Cumulus.ini setting:
UseDotDecimal=0 -
Tweaks the charts for both the admin interface and the default web site
Rework of Airlink sensor implementation - no functional changes