0.25.14 (2021-01-11)
Bug Fixes
- @cubejs-client/react: useCubeQuery - clear resultSet on exception (#1734) (a5d19ae)
- cubestore: filter pushdown optimization for aliased tables doesn't work (decfa3a)
- cubestore: Fix parquet-format dependency as new one isn't compatible with current arrow version (f236314)
- cubestore: Invalid argument error: Unable to get field named during merge resort (031f4fe)
- cubestore: Log 0.4.12 dependency is broken (a484b12)
- cubestore: Merge sort early exit (ddb292f)
- cubestore: Merge sort seg fault on empty batch (4eb1f28)
- cubestore: Remove debug output (8706798)
- cubestore: Union merge sort support (8cd3994)
- gateway: Allow healthchecks to be requested without auth (95c0c57)