github ctdk/goiardi v0.6.0
v0.6.0 - Order of the Elephant

latest releases: 1.0.0-pre2, 1.0.0-pre1, v0.11.10...
10 years ago

There's a lot of stuff in this release. The biggest is Postgres joining MySQL as a supported backend database, but there's a lot of other exciting bug fixes and features here. Note that if you use the in-memory data store and save the data store to disk, this update will break save file compatibility. Export your data before upgrading, then re-import it. You may wish to back up the data and index files before upgrading as well.

  • Postgres support.
  • Fix rebuilding indexes with an SQL backend.
  • Fix a bug where in MySQL mode events were being logged twice.
  • Fix an annoying chef-pedant error with data bags.
  • Event logging methods that are not allowed now return Method Not Allowed
    rather than Bad Request.
  • Switch the logger to a fork that can be built and used with Windows that
    excludes syslog when building on Windows.
  • Add basic syslog support.
  • Authentication protocol version 1.2 now supported.
  • Add a 'status' param to reporting, so a list of reports return by 'knife
    runs' can be narrowed by the status of the chef run (started, success, and
  • Fix an action at a distance problem with in-memory mode objects. If this
    behavior is still desirable (it seems to be slightly faster than the new way),
    it can be turned back on with the --use-unsafe-mem-store flag. This change
    DEFINITELY breaks in-mem data file compatibility. If upgrading, export your
    data, upgrade goiardi, and reload your data.
  • Add several new searchable parameters for logged events.
  • Add organization_id to all MySQL tables that might need it someday. Orgs are
    not used at all, so only the default value of 1 currently makes it to the
  • Finally ran 'go fmt' on goiardi. It didn't even mess up the long comment
    blocks, which was what I was afraid it would do. I also ran golint against
    goiardi and took its recommendations where it made sense, which was most
    areas except for some involving generated parser code, comments on
    GobEncode/Decode, commenting a bunch of identical functions on an interface
    in search, and a couple of cases involving make and slices. All in all,
    though, the reformatting, linting, and light refactoring has done it good.

Binaries for select architectures are provided for your convenience. They come with no guarantees, but are believed to work. If you don't see your preferred platform here, you'll need to build it yourself. If you want to run goiardi on an architecture that isn't supported by the native Go compiler, you may possibly have success with gccgo.

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