github cryptomator/android 1.6.3-beta2

latest releases: 1.11.1, 1.11.0, 1.10.4...
pre-release3 years ago

What's New

  • Upload photos instantly when auto photo upload is enabled and vault is unlocked (#181)
  • Fixed vault name is empty when it is the root folder of the cloud (#236)
  • Refactored access to local storage (#251)
  • Enhanced security of WebDAV connections (#374)

SHA256 Signature: 1dcb27c88308642877441c8928af8fba2c6a8d8e1e291ae5699c5eb97a6015eb
SHA256 Signature fdroid: 9e07f751b69f94a7c2131d56860c9f7ce49cdeaedba14cdcce5670b87d9d757b

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