github crowbartools/Firebot v5.60.0-beta1
Release v5.60.0-beta1

latest releases: v5.63.2, v5.63.1, v5.63.0...
pre-release8 months ago

v5.60.0-beta1 Update Notes

✨ New

  • Firebot now uses Twitch's new app login system.


Please read this wiki article for more information and to know how this will affect you.

  • Firebot now supports Twitch's EventSub system! This means we'll be able to add new events and support for newer Twitch features as they light them up for third-party apps.
  • The Dashboard chat view now supports Twitch chat threads! Replies now indicate which message they're replying to, plus you can view threads and reply to the them directly from the Dashboard.
  • Added support for Hype Trains (#1265)
    • Added new Hype Train Started, Hype Train Progress, and Hype Train Ended events
    • Added new $hypeTrainLevel and $hypeTrainPercent variables
  • Added support for Polls (#1750)
    • Added new Create Poll and End Poll effects
    • Added new Channel Poll Started, Channel Poll Progress, and Channel Poll Ended events
    • Added new $pollWinningChoiceName and $pollWinningChoiceVotes variables
  • Added support for Predictions (#1580) (#1750)
    • Added new Create Prediction, Lock Prediction, Resolve Prediction, and Cancel Prediction effects
    • Added new Channel Prediction Started, Channel Prediction Progress, Channel Prediction Locked. and Channel Prediction Ended events
    • Added new $predictionWinningOutcomeName variable
  • Added support for Twitch Charity Campaigns
    • Added new Charity Campaign Started, Charity Donation, Channel Campaign Progress, and Channel Campaign Ended events
    • Added new $charityName, $charityWebsite, $charityLogo, $charityDescription, $charityCampaignGoal and$charityCampaignTotal variables
    • The $donationFrom and$donationAmount variables now support Twitch charity campaigns
  • Added support for Channel Goals
    • Added new Channel Goal Started, Channel Goal Progress, and Channel Goal Ended events
    • Added new $channelGoalType, $channelGoalDescription, $channelGoalCurrentAmount, and $channelGoalTargetAmount variables
  • Added new Shoutout Sent and Shoutout Received events
    • Also added new $viewerCount variable for Twitch shoutout events
  • Added new Stream Online and Stream Offline events
  • Added new Twitch Category Changed and Title Changed events (#2141)
  • Added new First Time Chat event. First time chats are also now highlighted in the Dashboard chat view, similar to Twitch.
  • Added new Effect Queue Cleared event along with $effectQueueName and $effectQueueId variables (#1610)
  • Added new Toggle Scheduled Effect List effect (#2299)
  • Added new $twitchChannelUrl variable (#1776)
  • Added new $counterName, $counterPreviousValue, $counterNewValue, $counterChange, $counterMinimum, and $counterMaximum variables that are available on Counter effect lists (update, minimum reached, maximum reached)
  • Added new option in Settings > General to automatically open the Stream Preview window when Firebot launches (#1585)
  • Added the following new OBS events:
    • OBS Recording Started
    • OBS Recording Stopped
    • OBS Scene Item Enable State Changed
    • OBS Scene Transition Started
    • OBS Scene Transition Ended
    • OBS Current Scene Transition Changed
    • OBS Current Scene Transition Duration Changed
    • OBS Replay Buffer Saved
    • OBS Current Profile Changed
    • OBS Vendor Event
  • Added the following new OBS variables:
    • $obsSceneItemId
    • $obsSceneItemName
    • $obsSceneItemEnabled
    • $obsTransitionName
    • $obsTransitionDuration
    • $obsReplayBufferPath
    • $obsProfileName
    • $obsVendorName
    • $obsVendorEventType
    • $obsVendorEventData

🛠️ Improved

  • Several UI elements have been refined and updated
  • The Add New Event and Edit Event dialogs can now search for events by name, description, or event source (e.g. Twitch, OBS, etc) (#2300)
  • The Twitch Follow event now uses EventSub for realtime, accurate triggering
  • The Cheer, Channel Reward Redemption, Ban, Timeout, and Unban events now use EventSub instead of the legacy PubSub system
  • The Take OBS Source Screenshot effect can now be configured to take a screenshot of the currently active scene (#2291) (#2292)
  • OBS effect configuration dialogs now have clearer messaging when the integration may not be fully configured (#2308)
  • The following variables can now be used with the Viewer Arrived event: $chatMessageEmoteNames, $chatMessageEmoteUrls, $chatMessageEmoteUrls
  • Hotkeys now properly support the number pad for the following keys: 0-9, +, -, *, /, and . (#1945)
  • Conditional effects now better handle viewer role checks when specifying a variable (e.g. $target) (#2309)
  • The Firebot Category Changed event now only triggers when the category has actually changed (#2271)
  • Channel rewards that cannot be managed in Firebot now have more detailed messaging and instructions on how to duplicate the reward
  • Effects that depend on services being logged in (like Twitch) are now hidden from the Select New Effect dialog when logged out and are shown when logged in without needing to restart Firebot (#2298)
  • On dialogs with multiple effect lists (e.g. the Conditional Effect dialog), copied effects can now be immediately pasted to other effect lists without closing/reopening the dialog (#1920)
  • Context menu items now better indicate current status of an item (e.g. "Toggle Effect" is now either "Enable Effect" or "Disable Effect") (#2218)
  • Buttons in the Backup Manager and the Moderation screen now have better accessibility labeling (#2212) (#2301)
  • The $readApi and $rawReadApi variables now include the Firebot user agent string in the request headers (#2267)
  • The overlay file:// URL now correctly accounts for Windows vs. Linux/Mac systems
  • Internal web server responses now instruct browsers not to cache data, so overlay resources should always retrive the latest version (#1313)
  • Overlay page titles notes include the name of the overlay instance for better identification/debugging (#2185)
  • Randomly generated numbers now use cryptographically-secure generation
  • We've reworked much of our code to fix issues and make it easier to debug and maintain long term.

✅ Fixed

  • Twitch global and channel emotes now appear in the emote autocomplete list in the Dashboard
  • FIxed an issue where certain 7tv emotes may not display incorrectly in the Dashboard
  • Fixed an issue where events may not fire when no filters are set and the filter mode is set to "Any Filter Passes" (#2306) (#2307)
  • Fixed $if incorrectly evaluating parameters
  • Chat messages sent by the streamer account now correctly honor the Auto Delete Trigger command setting (#2217)
  • Chat replies will now be properly processed/posted when replying to streamer messages sent from Firebot (#2276)
  • The {minWager} field in Heist game messages no longer includes an extra { and is also displayed in help text correctly (#2254)
  • Deleting an active timer now properly stops the timer upon deletion
  • The OBS Stream Started and OBS Stream Stopped events now fire more reliably (#2079)
  • Integrations that do not utilize the connection manager will no longer cause the connection button in the sidebar to show yellow instead of green when all other services are connected. (#1972)
  • Scheduled Effect List advanced schedules now use UNIX-standard 1-12 for months and now support 7 for Sundays
  • Nightly releases of Firebot now correctly update to newer mainline versions
  • Fixed log files having the wrong day of the month in log message timestamps due to UTC offsets (#2130)

Windows Install

  • Download and run Firebot-v5.60.0-beta1-setup.exe

MacOS Install

  • Download Firebot-v5.60.0-beta1-macos-x64.dmg
  • Right click the .dmg and select "Open"
  • In the dialog that appears click "Cancel"
  • Right click the .dmg again and select "Open"
  • In the dialog that appears click "Open"

Note: Mac OS does not receive auto-updates

Linux Install

  • Download Firebot-v5.60.0-beta1-linux-x64.tar.gz
  • ?? will need further instructions

Note: Linux does not receive auto-updates

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