github crowbartools/Firebot v5.18.0
Firebot for Twitch (v5.18.0)

latest releases: v5.62.1, v5.62.0, v5.62.0-beta4...
3 years ago

v5.18.0 Update Notes

  • Added Preset Effect Lists
    • Preset Effect Lists are lists of effects that are trigger agnostic and can be referenced from other effect lists
    • Example use: Shoutout chat message and sound effect that can be triggered from both a chat command and User Arrived Event
    • You can run a preset effect list with the "Run Effect List" effect in "Preset" mode
    • Preset Effect Lists support "arguments" which enables you to pass data to them. Args can be utilized within the preset effects via the new $presetListArg[name] variable.
    • Added API endpoint for triggering Preset Effect Lists which makes them super easy to use with a StreamDeck (via the Website Action).
    • For our users with programming sensibilities, you can effectively think of Preset Effect Lists as "functions". They can even be used recursively!
  • Added additional UI for Effect Queues
    • Effect queues now have a dedicated area where you can create and manage them
  • Both Preset Effect Lists and Effect Queues are accessible from the new "Effects" sidebar item
  • Fixed a bug with user roles in chat games (Slots and Heist)
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the currency command to display incorrect data for some users
  • Fixed a bug that caused chat messages sent from Firebot to not show up in the Chat Feed
  • Fixed various issues with the /effect API endpoints
  • Added additional debug logging for the new Channel Reward Redemption event

Known Issues

  • You cant see the current viewer list or the current viewer count in the Chat Feed
  • You cant yet link Mixer/Twitch user data in the UI, only via the !linkmixer command

Download the .exe to get V5!

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