github crowbartools/Firebot v5.14.0
Release v5.14.0

latest releases: v5.62.1, v5.62.0, v5.62.0-beta4...
4 years ago

v5.14.0 Update Notes

  • Added Discord integration for sending messages to Discord channels (#756)
    • This functionality will be improved further soon!
  • Added Stream Went Live event (#882)
  • Added Stream Gone Offine event (#882)
  • Play Sound effect can now play a random sound from a folder (#693)
  • Event Groups have been renamed to Event Sets
  • You can now have any number of Event Sets active at one time (#881)
  • Added $username variable as alternative to $user
  • Upgraded Firebot's title bar.
  • Lowered the minimum value for the Slots multiplier option to 0.5.
  • Fixed a bug that caused errors to display in a popup (#884)
  • Fixed an app crash caused by the $math variable (#875)
  • Fixed the Command Management command not functioning (#878)
  • Resolved an error that prevented the Bid game from being reset to defaults (#879)
  • Fixed the Chat Connected event not triggering (#880)

Download the .exe to get V5!

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